the timing in 2014

  • April 5, 2014, midnight
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Another good day. :-)

We had to work, of course. We'll be working straight through including Sundays. The way it's been flying by, I imagine it won't be that difficult to last. Although I'll still be passing out the minute it's all done.

It was a pretty decent day client-wise. After work we headed out grocery shopping. Well, we were mostly going for dinner, but we stopped for some groceries since we were there. Found some delicious beer on sale and chatted up the salesman.

I wasn't sure what to get, but I wandered into Bevmo in the hopes of finding something at a decent price. As I was looking I spotted Great White on sale. I really only buy it when they've got a good deal because it normally runs somewhere near 20 bucks for a 12. Not really willing to spend that much.

So anyways I bent over to see what the other styles were and picked up the case. I heard someone call out, "killer choice" and I looked towards the front to see a couple workers standing there looking my way. I smiled and continued around the corner to see what else they had. Nothing else caught my fancy so I walked up front. An older guy was behind the register and a younger one, with full on dreadlocks [although he looked mostly white, so he must be going for a hippy thing. haha] was standing nearby. I put the case up on the counter for the older one to help me.

The younger guy asked if I was excited about it being on sale. I told him how I wasn't sure what to get, but decided I couldn't miss out on the opportunity. Then he started talking to me about how he likes craft beer but isn't willing to pay very much for it. Totally understand that! And he went on to tell me all about how much he was willing to pay, what he liked, and how it was a good deal.

And dudes! I was actually chatty. Like I didn't completely get shy and stumble my way through one-word answers. I had a conversation with a stranger! A good conversation. With questions, and answers, and I even interjected my own observations. This is a huge deal! I'm not usually like that at all. I'd normally shy away and come off as a total jerk. But not this time! I'm quite proud of myself for doing that. Even as I was walking out I said something to him about being in the right job because he knew about all the sales first.

He was friendly. Maybe he doesn't see a lot of girls walk straight back to the beer section and grab a case of great white? I don't know. He seemed sorta surprised by the whole situation. Like maybe he'd even remember me if I showed up again. Which is totally awesome for me. Almost like a confidence boost, despite the fact that there wasn't any flirting or mention of my amazing outfit. ;-)

Another interesting observation: I think the world really is teasing me with this Ck thing. Since these are every day thoughts, I told myself this morning that he never shows up on the weekends. I decided it wasn't even something to bother with today. Finally I was able to shut off my brain for a while.

And guess who shows up?! I didn't even hear his truck. I was totally immersed in this house I saw online that was for sale on the Puget Sound. Absolutely beautiful! I was researching and totally seconds away from putting in an offer [when I realized you had to lease the land and only owned the sad!]. So I was completely distracted when I looked up to see him walking right into our office. I blurted something out like, "I know that kid" out of surprise.

Makes sense the world would time it perfectly like that. =|

He waved and asked how we were. Mentioned something about how we were going to be open Sunday and my lovely mother started giving him a hard time about bringing us lunch and not wanting road kill. haha. She asked about Melissa and the move. And we talked about random things.

Honestly, he looked sad. I didn't think too much of it when I thought he was just having a bad Saturday, but now that I see he's still looking the same weeks later, it pulls at my heartstrings. You all know I have this thing about needing to fix broken people. It's a blessing and a curse.

He said stuff about how he was totally burnt out with work. How he's giving it up and looking for something new. How he needs a change and something different. We talked about traveling to WA [since I mentioned the house] and how he was thinking about going to visit his cousin out there. I said I wanted to head over in May/June he asked if flying or driving was better. Apparently he drives like 55 on the freeway!! That's crazy. You know, since the speed limit is 65 and all. haha. Now I'm realizing I must have really freaked him out with my driving the other day. I was going way slower than I would if I were alone, but still. He was probably having a miniature heart attack on the inside. Whoops.. =\

But yeah, he did seem bummed out. He didn't stay very long, even after I called him back in with questions about the truck.

Oh! and I mentioned something about going to Alaska. This was slightly strategic, but mostly it's on my mind because I did a bunch of research for it yesterday. Trying to see how much it would cost me realistically. So I told him about how I wanted to road trip and he said, "yeah!" Then he stared at me in this strange, half-amazed sorta way [as I sat there with a knowing smile on my face]. Like he was kinda speechless? Or didn't know how to react? And finally blurted something out about how that was on his list last year but then a bunch of stuff happened and he didn't think he'd make it anytime soon. Pretty sure we bonded. hah.

Now I want to send him a text tomorrow and ask him to stop by for a drink. I owe him after that six-pack he brought over last year. I sorta worked it all out in my head, as I tend to do in most any situation. Right now I'm all for it, but I don't know how willing I'd be to actually do it in the morning. It feels like making some kind of unspoken "first move" and I'm not into that. I do want to be friends though. He looks like he could use a friend, or at least a drink. And why not? I should stop being a baby about the whole thing. If I want something, I should just go for it. We would make excellent friends, that's obvious. But I'm having trouble taking that next step away from this weird work situation.

This seems like the perfect opportunity. We just spoke so it's not out of no where. He seems to need some venting time. I owe him so that's a perfect excuse. Something simple you know. Like come over to my house and we'll sit in the backyard and chat over beer. It doesn't have to be a big deal. If I'm just real chill [<--did I just say that? ugh] about the whole thing then it should be fine.

These are the kind of times I could really use a friend. Someone to run this by and get advice. Confirmation of my great idea, or told I'm an idiot and this is the dumbest thing I've ever said out loud. hmm....I guess my only current option is to lay it out in here and wait until the morning. See if I've lost my nerve or not.

It's like the right thing to do though. Isn't it? To be a kind person? I've been giving a lot to the world lately. I hate to see anyone sad like that. Worst case scenario, he completely ignores me and we're no different for it.

I'm going to go sleep on this. Let it play itself out, right? Wait and see what the morning brings. I do have an insanely abnormal amount of confidence these days though. I'm kind of obligated to put that to good use, no? =P

Have a good night!


Last updated July 27, 2014

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