work impressions in 2014

  • Aug. 9, 2014, 1:23 a.m.
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So apparently my attempt at writing last night was a complete fail. I got distracted by the whole "no phone line" thing and by the time I got back to it I didn't feel like writing anymore. There's been a lot of that lately. Not sure why.

I should definitely be working right now, but I figure I've been pretty productive today and this is the only time I might actually force myself to type something up. It's a lot easier to get done when you're already sitting in front of a computer. Except for the fact that I can't remember any of the things I've been wanting to say.

Work stuff seems to get better every day. I know I resisted the idea of being back here for a long time, but it really has turned out to be pretty alright. Like I'm doing things I never thought I'd do. And I seem to be making some pretty darn good impressions too.

We had a meeting this week back in my old college town [more on that experience in a minute]. Our "manager" guy was supposed to be there, but he had last minute personal issues and was replaced with the guy who handles Southern CA. So we'd taken this laminated desk card, as per his request, and it turned out to be a big hit! Basically all it was was a copy of a screen the company uses in their main program. There's no way to blow up the screen and keep it in focus so I ended up creating a table with all the same boxes/information/etc. It took me a while but it came out nicely. I mean if their program isn't going to work I might as well invent my own. I'm pretty good at that.

[By the way, I'm totally tooting my own horn in most of this entry. I should have warned ya ahead of time...]

Actually I had told Mom not to bring it up because our guy wasn't there and no one else would care about it. She did it anyway though when they asked her how she'd improved her numbers this year. The guy leading the discussion came over to me and gave me a spiel about how it was funny the way I'd introduced myself [as her front desk person] because he knew right away that I was more than that. And some other junk about how my card probably increased her revenue and whatever. I just smiled and said it was no big deal. [See, I'm a lot more humble in person..]

It turns out that one of the big shots up at headquarters was also sitting in on the meeting. It always feels sorta surreal to be sitting there next to people like that and having regular ol' conversations. You know, since I've only ever seen him up on stage and stuff. Anyway, during one of the breaks he wandered over and asked to take a pic of my card. After he walked away, Mom kept pushing me to go explain that we didn't invent it [we weren't sure if he was trying to send it to legal or something to check out. haha.] I was slightly embarrassed but picked up the card and walked over.

He said he understood where I got it from but that the company was trying to come up with this year's version and he was sending my idea for a card to them. I mean it makes sense to have it available for people to touch and feel. We stood around for a few minutes talking about the ideas and how they could improve it. At least he didn't get me in trouble for coming up with the idea on my own. Those big shots can be very particular sometimes. hah.

So yeah, that was interesting. A bunch of other stuff happened at the meeting but mostly it was just talking and sharing ideas. All that good stuff. After it was over the guy hosting the meeting shook my hand and said he was going to have to come up with a better name for me. I told him I'd rather stick to my current title, there was less responsibility that way, and he gave me a hard time about trying to "fly under the radar." Which is kind of something I've always done in life. Like I'd get 100+% on a test in college and I would hide my paper. Or I was always super quiet in class but did really well. Teachers knew who I was just from the results I produced but no one ever spoke about it. I liked it that way. Apparently I still do!

I guess it is kinda nice to get "recognized" in front of the big shots and other business owners though. I mean I won't say no if they want to give me a huge award and a big blank check for it either! ;-)

In other, mostly related, news: that town must be lucky for me. Driving that old familiar drive brought back all the memories. Living with the boys. Coffeeguy. The Friday night crew during that last year. Work with hitler. Even all the craziness that was school. As much as I probably complained about it at the time, that place holds some of my favorite memories to date. I'd even go as far as to say that I miss it sometimes. Maybe not the essays or homework, but just about everything else.

It turned out to be a very nice trip over all. Now I have to prepare for a community expo we're attending next week at the local army base. We've never done one of these before so it should be interesting. I'm gonna have to figure out how to stay all upbeat and chatty like Mom the whole time so we can try to win us some new clients. Or dinner dates? I could go for a drink with a man in uniform. ;-)

Joking aside, it should be fun. We know several people out there but I'm not sure who will be at the event. Mom always knows how to draw a crowd and keep them laughing. I've rummaged through the office to find any possible giveaway items and set up a bunch of flyers to hand out. We're thinking about doing a raffle, but haven't finalized that. And I really am trying to practice my outgoing side. I need to be better at this and that'll be the perfect place to get some practice in.

Why do extroverts always make it look so easy?!

Also, I have always kind of wanted to work out there on the base so maybe I'll be able to get some networking in while I'm at it. People seem to think I make good impressions even though I always feel like I come off as quiet and uninterested. We'll see I guess.

I think I'm going to go now and try to figure out what I want to eat for dinner. I'm so hungry!!


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