the tiny moments in 2014

  • March 27, 2014, 1 a.m.
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Today was such a good day! One of those where all the little things are going right and life seems perfectly grand.

As in: French toast for breakfast. Blue Dress feeling. Passenger. All my favorite songs on the radio. Compliments. Unexpected clients.

I mean honestly. There really wasn't that much that happened. Like just the fact that all my favorite songs kept coming on the radio [in the car, at work, etc] was making me so excited about life. It's those tiny moments that mean so much to me these days. Something that, before last year, I never would have noticed. It would have made very little difference in my life to eat a delicious breakfast or to wear my new best dress.

[sidenote: I'll admit, I keep wearing this thing hoping that a certain person will walk in the door. But he never does. I guess that means that maybe I'll be able to throw it on if he ever asks me to hang out. haha!]

When my coworker saw me in the dress she gave me all the cute compliments and asked if the "cowboy" had seen me yet and if he was going to come over to visit. I avoided her implication by saying that I hadn't seen ANY cowboys today. Not going to be specific about which one she meant, although I clearly knew. hah.

I don't even know what to say about all that anymore. Like I want to talk about it every day [and I want to talk TO him every day] but it's starting to feel so silly. I mean it's mostly felt silly the entire time. But now it's weird that other people are talking about it and I want to contribute. Gush about something that doesn't even exist. That's ridiculous! ugh. So lame. I need to get over this already. Move on and forget about all the thoughts that are living in my head on a daily basis. It's not going anywhere! Why do I keep trying!? It's just going to drive me nuts; if it hasn't already!

Last updated July 24, 2014

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