Definition lists in Tips and Tricks

  • Aug. 4, 2013, 9:55 p.m.
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  • Public

It was pointed out to me that the HTML tags DL, DT, and DD were not working in entries. Because I'm all about semantic markup and definition lists are a prime example of semantics at its best, I have fixed this oversight.

So if you'd like to use a definition list in the standard way:

<dd>One of the Prosebox elite; an early adopter.  An awesome human being.</dd>
<dd>What can happen to Prosebox users who forget their manners when speaking to the Lord of the place.</dd>

Which translates to:

One of the Prosebox elite; an early adopter. An awesome human being.
What can happen to Prosebox users who forget their manners when speaking to the Lord of the place.

Or, with a slight modification and adding a class to the first tag, it becomes a horizontal definition list:

<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dd>One of the Prosebox elite; an early adopter.  An awesome human being.</dd>
<dd>What can happen to Prosebox users who forget their manners when speaking to the Lord of the place.</dd>

And you get:

One of the Prosebox elite; an early adopter. An awesome human being.
What can happen to Prosebox users who forget their manners when speaking to the Lord of the place.

Deleted user August 04, 2013

Thank you!

delete please August 04, 2013


M August 05, 2013

I'm not a big fan of going out the window, especially those on upper floors.

simple mind M ⋅ August 05, 2013

I've never thrown or been thrown out if a window, but it pleases me that there's a word for it.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ August 26, 2013

Being fenestrated might be as painful as being defenestrated.

Teflon Superhero August 05, 2013

Knowing what defenestration meant before coming into it (it's one of my favorite words) the definition added to it caused me to laugh incredibly too hard xD

Deleted user September 24, 2013

I like the numbers that appear next to "comments" etc indicating new arrivals. Either it's new or I just never noticed it before.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ September 24, 2013

Comments notification was in the top bar, but I just added it to the side menu. The bookmarks notification is brand new.

Garnys February 16, 2014

Ha. You said "defenestration."

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