easy does it.... in Magma

  • Aug. 3, 2014, 7:56 p.m.
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Things are moving along smoothly considering the below average summer temperatures. We haven't had a day over 90 yet and for first week of August that is bizarre for long island. Work is going well, the new woman; Michelle, is learning nicely. She has a refined say about her. But she is an odd bird, her clothing I notice is larger than her petite frame and she is very particular about what she divulges. Plus she always has a suitcase in her car which makes me wonder if she is homeless. I'm not judging her but it makes me wonder to myself. I also noticed she has her pants clipped with a paperclip. Otherwise home life seems steady, keeping myself busy with the kids, Ella is potty training and #1 is eash for her. She leaps from the couch and announces "peepee train coming through!" As she darts for the bathroon. Joey is a bit of a little shit lately, he has been copping this attitude and mocking me and Nina which isn't nice. Some will say it's a phase but it is ugly to me. Otherwise his behavior is solid.
Things with Nina and I are steady, trying to relearn each other and at the same time fighting my demons daily. It is difficult to tell the hard reality from what was fantasy. But certain feelings I know were real. Are real. It makes things tough but if I can't be there full time you can't allowed to think you could be there part time. It was selfish of me to consider what I was doing was ok. It never was ok.

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