Depression in Everyday life

  • Aug. 10, 2014, 6:39 a.m.
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It's a nasty little beast, rearing its head hither and yon, dragging you down just when you think you might have it licked for a week. This is not to belittle the struggle alcoholics face, but I know what they do mean when they say you're always an alcoholic, just in recovery. I'll always be a depressed person, even if I'm not currently feeling that way.

Then again, I could be 100 percent wrong and/or full of shit.

My therapy has hit the wall. I've stopped going. My therapist keeps sternly telling me I should go to the gym and participate in other activities that are healthy. No shit, Sherlock. It makes logical sense. I'm coming to you to try and figure out what's wrong with me where I don't go to the gym -- what's keeping me from succeeding in life? There's something within me that is, and I need to fix that. That's what therapy is for, IMO.

I mean, we all can use a kick in the ass, but there has to be a balance, too.

And so it begins, and resumes, and just stays in neutral. Same old, same old. Here's to hoping I can break out of the rut and somehow find the energy and strength to do things that are healthy for me.

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