No, I Will *NOT* Pray For You in You can Haz Entries

  • Dec. 3, 2014, 11:24 p.m.
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(Warning: potentially incendiary rant ahead)

I am sick and fucking TIRED of seeing people on Facebook posting statuses that read as such:

“Please pray for (insert whatever thing or cause you think Jeebus needs your help to make happen).”


I don’t give a fuck that your aunt’s dog is getting neutered, nor do I give one half of a shit that your cousin’s roommate is interviewing for a job, nor does it affect my life ONE BIT that Little Johnny is starting kindergarten.

First of all, WHY in the name of Joe Pesci would you be so self-centered to ask for prayers for something like that? (and before you ask, yes, I have seen all of these at one time or another on Facebook)

Second, what the fuck good is a prayer from me going to do? I haven’t been involved in any religion for years, and yet somehow a prayer from my ass will somehow convince the Big Invisible Man in the Sky to help someone you know nail a job interview?

Third, you’re being manipulative. Stop it. If you really want some good juju, talk to your friends one on one, or go have a few beers with a group of friends and talk to them face to face. Don’t blast it out on social media so that person you had a one night stand with last week will all of a sudden pray for your dumbass kid to not get a score of “retard” on their SATs.

If you call or message me and say, “my mom is going into surgery/I’m having a rough time/my dog was eaten by a sloth, and I need someone to talk to,” YES, I will give you an ear and a shoulder and any emotional support I can.

But don’t pull that “please pray for (whatever)” shit.

Last updated February 04, 2016

BarefootButterfly December 03, 2014

Wow! I hope you never need prayer for anything. But, I am going to pray for you anyway. I pray that God will touch your hardened heart and unstick your "give a dang" button. Why, you ask? Because Christians pray for others... even people they don't know. NOTHING is too trivial to ask for God's hand on. God is kind, benevolent and merciful and nothing is inconsequential to Him. Thus, the reason I have now prayed for you.

Drilldude BarefootButterfly ⋅ December 03, 2014

Religious disagreements aside, I can tell you - and my friends would back me up on this - that I am not hard-hearted at all. I have a great deal of love and respect for my friends, and I would do just about anything for them. Some of my readers are friends, and they can vouch for me.

My entry is about a specific behavior that I feel is crass and manipulative. it is NOT about, nor is it calling out, any religion or religious person, be they Christian/Jew/Muslim/Hare Krishna/whatever. I could rant about organized religions as well, but that's not what this entry is about. That's a whole different ball of wax.

And I think that, even if I were religious, I would find it incredibly vain, petty, and selfish to ask for help with a migraine. (which, yes, I have also seen, and I think it it totally ludicrous)

If praying for me is something you feel the need to do, I won't try to stop you, nor will I mock or judge you for it. We all do what we feel is necessary, and since I have no personal beef with you, all is well. But I urge you to take another look at the crux of my argument. It's not based on religion.

Pretend Mulling December 04, 2014

Mother Teresa once said, "I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things." You can pray all you want, and if it makes you feel better, great. But instead of PRAYING that no more kids will go hungry --because we know they do, it's kind of this country's dirty little secret, how some 1 in 6 kids are struggling with hunger-- how about going to Aldi's and buying a bag of food for your local food pantry? Or buying food to donate to a food pantry AND praying that a family who desperately needs it gets it?

Or just buy the damn food and donate it. Be proactive.

bobbi01 December 04, 2014

Totally agree. For me it is up there with people who post "worst day ever", "fml" and "feeling brokenhearted". Then they sit back and wait for their concerned minions to fall about themselves giving them the attention they think the deserve.

Drilldude bobbi01 ⋅ December 04, 2014

Amen. Vaguebooking and Emobooking should be banned.

bobbi01 Drilldude ⋅ December 04, 2014

Amen. LOL

donut Drilldude ⋅ December 04, 2014

Vaguebooking is the WORST. I just want to comment on their statuses "FUCKING SAY IT ALREADY!". RAWR.

•kitkat• December 04, 2014

Love this. Couldn't have said it better myself.

~daisy~ December 04, 2014

amen to that!

i feel like ppl use fb to seek attention and "oh woe is me". they post when someone dies and their obituary and i just want to scratch them. it's pathetic.

don't EVEN get me started on the "i need a hug or two!" ones or the " i want to see who reads me" and all that bullshit... just shut up. shut.up.

MsConduct December 05, 2014

And here I was hoping you'd pray for my hangnail. It's cool, dude. It's cool.

Drilldude MsConduct ⋅ December 05, 2014

Sorry. Minimum of three hangnails for me to even consider a prayer.

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