2022 wrap up in 2023

  • Jan. 1, 2023, 11:47 a.m.
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Alex stayed up until almost 11. I was dozing by 10 lol. Happy 2023, everyone!

1) What were your biggest challenges in 2022?
-Saying no. I was trying to make a good impression at the new job and continually accepted extra visits that didn’t benefit me or my schedule. While that sounds selfish, I do need to set boundaries for myself and say no sometimes, in order to protect my mental health and not burn out. I’ve continued to have family challenges, feeling distanced from my parents. Battling with Craig to be a more responsible member of the household. And the kids bring new challenges every year as they grow and become little people.

2) What were your biggest wins?
-Really thriving at my job. Even my “bad” days never compared to the days I’d have at the hospital. I can honestly say I love my job. This is the kind of nurse I want to be. I do complain about some aspects of my job but at the end of the day, this is what I was meant to do. This is the difference I was meant to make.

3) What helped you most to get through the year?
-LEXAPRO. Really. It truly helped me keep my shit together. Other than that, some supportive friends. But really, I’ve had to rely on myself to push forward.

4) What were your favorite books, movies, shows, and songs
-I can’t really speak for shows and movies. I don’t watch a lot of either. Just reruns of “The Golden Girls” lol. In terms of my favorite books this year, I would say my top three are “Olga Dies Dreaming”, “Kaikeyi”, “The Girl with the Louding Voice”. My favorite songs were “Unholy” and most of T.Swift’s “Midnight” album. Don’t come at me, her shit is fire lol.

5) How would you describe the type of person you were this year?
-I want to say stable. Like I just stayed in my lane, kept my head down and learned where I could. Mentally felt much more stable than previous years, as well..

6) What kind of person do you want to become next year?
-I want to become less independent. I want to be able to ask for help and not feel guilty for it. I hope to find that person and also be more vocal about saying NO.

7) How well did you take care of yourself this year?
-I suppose better than last year. I didn’t eat great. I definitely hydrated more. I neglected my dental and eye health. But my mental health was better.

8) How will you commit to taking better care of yourself in 2023?
-Uhhhh… I’m not great at commitments lol. I would like to improve my sleeping patterns, sleep when I’m tired and not stay up to finish work that can be done the next day.

9) What kinds of boundaries do you want to set for yourself?
-Say no to people and things that do not benefit me or my mental health. Not entertain the ludicrous political and racist ramblings of my parents. Say no to picking up extra visits at work when I’m already pulled too thin.

10) What are your top three priorities for 2023?
-Putting the kids first instead of my stupid screens
-Work on my relationship with Craig
-Create a more comforting living space

11) What other things could you do in 2023 to feel more fulfilled?
-I’d like to go back to some of my old hobbies. I started doing jigsaw puzzles again, those are very relaxing for me. I’d like to keep reading. And I’d like to pick up my cross stitch again. I also want to get another dog lol.

12) What role did your immediate environment play in your wellbeing this year?
-Kind of the same as last year. My work was fulfilling. My home life was hectic. My house remains cluttered. I got rid of 4 bags of garbage and 3 bags of kids clothes this past week and I don’t feel like I made a dent. I’m not content living with this clutter, this disorganization. But I lack the time, energy, and support to keep the kind of house that I want. So I just do the best I can, but it’s not ideal.

13) What would your ideal environment look and feel like?
-(literally the same answer as last year lol)Light colors, neutrals. Lots of natural light. Clean and tidy, everything in its place. Warm smells. Vanilla or gardenias. Big fluffy soft fleece blankets on all the couches and chairs. Quiet.

14) What do you want to explore more of next year?
-Maybe more of the states and towns around us. Take the kids into the city and explore there.

15) Who and what are you most grateful for?
-I’m grateful to my friends and new/former coworkers who ground me in reality. Grateful for my kids. Grateful for my mother in law who is a breath of fresh air. Grateful that my parents watch the kids as much as they do. I’m grateful for lexapro and Xanax. I’m grateful for the escape of books. I’m grateful for quiet mornings and warm, soft, fuzzy blankets.

16) Did you achieve your goals for 2022?
-My goal was to just settle into the year and get comfortable with the new job, so yes I did achieve my goal!

17) What are your goals for 2023?
-Continue to learn and grow in my work. Realign my time; family comes first and work will get done when it gets done. Continue to advocate for myself in all aspects of my life.

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