A Bad Month inc 2 car crashes... in Writing To Escape [Open Diary Entries]

  • April 17, 2013, midnight
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Hey all,

So, as the title suggests, within the space of a month (a week to be exact) I've managed to crash two cars, thankfully the second accident have stuffed me royally but what is to be expected from insurance companies?

They say bad luck happens in three's, you know I've lost count of my luck as of late, I don't want to sound like a pity party, but seriously, mine.

So the second crash as I'm sure you're all dying to know about happened on Monday 15/04/2013. I was driving my mum's car (3rd party cover)

1.Slow - 2.Medium - 3.Fast

I was in the fast lane, I indicated to move into the medium (second) lane, I checked that it was clear and moved over accordingly when someone hitting her I swerved to avoid hitting her car, this resulted in me pulling to one side at between 60 - 70 mph and losing control of the car My car smacked the closest barrier in the fast lane and spun out across the motorway to the hard-shoulder on the slow lane, the hit to the into the back me (not their fault at all, this was unavoidable given the circumstances) thankfully it was mostly minor and they are okay, so I've spoken to the insurance company and the witness who states that this is clearly the other drivers fault, the insurance won't pursue this is shocking and fucking retarded because I am the one to lose out due to this incident.

However I want to say that when I crashed this time, it hurt, it really hurt and I could not believe my luck on this. I've never had an accident I digress, I want to say that the person who smacked me at the back a guy called Jason was, well he was a legend to be honest, I was dazed to hell, I got out of the car and he helped me to the barrier, he stopped with me until the ambulance and police came, we exchanged is a fucking con and they will rip you off anyway.

I didn't know at the time but Jason had his son in the car at the time as well, this really has troubled me since to be honest, although no I hate kids, in this I am directly responsible and I am sorry for it beyond belief to be honest, words I write in this context will not describe me, that will eat at me.

I've spoken to Jason since and both him and his son are fine, I've passed on my details inc the details of the accident and what will happen was looking out for us both that day. The truth is I don't know, maybe they were, maybe they weren't, all I know is that the last few months regret things enough. I've never once in my life ever wanted an innocent person to take my place and that hurts.

I will take what the world can throw at me and smash me with, just don't involve friends, family or innocents, if I need to be killed off, then INVOLVED BUT COME ON! Look at what has been thrown at me since December, I'd ask could it get worse, but the truth is I daren't because I'm not afraid of death, hell I've prepared for it since I was a kid, but I cannot control the damage to those who are actually silly enough this one came pretty close, so I cannot deny commitment on the part of whomever it is wanting me dead at this point and I'll even give pictures If death really wants me, then all I'd actually ask is for a conversation and the chance to say goodbye, ask me why and I can justify...

Last updated June 11, 2014

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