weird comment in General musings

  • May 31, 2014, 10:33 p.m.
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F spent a lot of time on the phone with me on Thursday (birthday) probably to use up my cell minutes ...made an odd comment about not "sugarcoating " things...snarky remarks about telling hub he had bought me "sex toys" for my bday...and that they were at his house "where they will be used ". He was kinda quiet yesterday ..just some snideness about hub. This morning I texted and asked if he worked at the trains today. Didn't get answer til late afternoon when he wrote. Nope went hiking since 8 am and just got home. I didn't reply..oh, because I'm pretty sure he didn't go alone...and he has no male friends...and...I am so sick of it and him..Tomorrow is his birthday..sent him nothing and don't even want to acknowledge it.

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