I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • May 26, 2014, 10:41 a.m.
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  • Public

Please forgive me for going off the grid and taking a little time for myself.

Or not. The choice is yours. lol

But see, here is what happened. I'm sure that once you have heard the story, you will not only understand, but will be happy for me.

So. I've been working at the new hotel 6 weeks today. Boy did that time fly! But yet, it feels like I have been there forever, what with everyone accepting me into the fold like family and all.

Even with the petty issues I have with Mysti (that I have come to find out that everyone else shares those same "petty issues" with me) it is still a great job. Even when you throw in Lorena, and her "Mini-Mysti" personality. Those 2 girls are minor in the grand scheme of things.

So yes, I love my job.

So anyway, because I've only been there 6 weeks, and I've already requested a day in June off and the 10 days in July off, I didn't want to rock the boat anymore than that by requesting another day off or asking someone to switch with me. I tried explaining all that to Hubby.

However, you all know what an ass he can be. Sometimes, there is just no reasoning with him. It's all him or nothing. So sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures, and a little white lie is called for.

I ended up telling Hubby that I couldn't get anyone at work to trade shifts with me. Since it was too late to request the day off (the schedule was made), that was out of the question also. Shameful I know. But there you go.

After much whining, on his part, he accepted fate, and went with it. Or more accurately, he went WITHOUT me.

To Dallas, Texas.

With The Child.

For the holiday weekend.

Peoples! Do you know what that means? Do you? Do you????

They left at 5am on Saturday morning. I worked 3-11 Saturday evening.

I have been locked up, nice and tight, in my house since 1 am Saturday night, by MYSELF!!

No husband. No kid. Just me, Cocoa The Dog, and these 4 walls. No television watching. No music listening. Just me, my Nook and occasionally my laptop, and sweet, blissful, peace and quiet.

Oh gosh, I so needed this! My brain, my soul, needed this time to re-group and re-charge.

Aside from 4 days back in 2011, I have not had anytime to myself since before she was born almost 13 years ago. Obviously I get daytime, when she is at school and he is at work. But, I'm always cleaning or running errands or whathaveyou. He comes home at noon for lunch and I am picking her up from school by 4. So I don't get a lot of actual time to myself. This weekend? This has been a God-send!

Since she has been born, if he was deployed, I always had her. My family was never big on inviting her over to spend the night with them when we lived in Charleston. Once, she spent the night before Thanksgiving with my Dad & Step Mom. I was up till 1 am making pies for Thanksgiving dinner and then I was back up at 4:30 to start cooking the rest of the meal. So even though she was gone, while he was deployed, I didn't get to enjoy it (like this weekend).

Each summer she goes to stay with his family for 2-3 weeks. But then I always have him. 3 years ago, while he was stationed in Korea, she was supposed to go stay with them for 2 weeks but she ended up going in to the hospital and having surgery on the back of her leg and that went out the window. Not only did I NOT get my 2 weeks kid & Hubby free, but my work load, on top of my normal daily work load, increased tenfold with her aftercare. Eight weeks after the surgery, when she was finally able to go, I only had the 4 days before he came home for his mid-tour visit. But I spent most of those 4 days deep cleaning the house and doing the stuff I was unable to do during her recovery.

This weekend? Not a finger has been lifted to clean. Only to feed my face, and feed the dog. I have been wearing pajamas all weekend also.

I've read. I gave myself a manicure and pedicure. I took a bubble bath by candle light. I've read some more. I've played Facebook games. I've napped. I've read some more. I've eaten, while reading. I've caught up on all my PB entries that I had gotten behind on. I've taken the dog out to potty and checked the mail. I've read some more. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

I would have loved to have spent all that time with you, People's. But sometimes, a Sassy has to take time out for herself. I don't do it often. But there you go.

They are due home sometime this afternoon/evening and then it is back to the grindstone. I work audit tonight & tomorrow. I have patches to sew on her Girl Scout vest for her camping trip this coming weekend. Yep, my mom and wife hats must be put back on. Life will return to normal.

Today, while I am waiting on them to get home, I will clean. LOL Yes, I will clean. Because there is nothing better than cleaning when they are gone. I don't have to keep stopping to do something for them or whathaveyou. It was so hard to force myself yesterday NOT to clean lol, but I did it and now I will reward myself for cleaning today lol. You all should know by now that I have issues. Deal with it. LMAO

With that being said, I'm going to go crank up my iPhone in the speaker dock and get to cleaning. Y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day. And for the love of chocolate, remember that we are celebrating/remembering those that have DIED for our freedoms, not for the ones who are still serving and/or alive. We celebrate those people on Veteran's Day. It bugs me when people thank Veteran's on Memorial Day. I understand the sentiment, yes, but it feels like we are pushing those that deserve the honor off to the side because they are dead.

Today, we celebrate the dead.

Till next time ....

anyahs May 27, 2014

weeee! glad you enjoyed your weekend home alone!

JadedAngel68 May 27, 2014

I'm glad you got to enjoy some time for yourself it does do wonders for you :)

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