All through the night in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • May 19, 2014, 1:50 a.m.
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What an entertaining week. Busy, but entertaining. No one can ever say I live a dull life lol.

Anyway, our friendly neighborhood sniper checked out Tuesday morning. He asked for a hug good bye. I declined citing "fraternization policies" and security camera's LOL. Rick of course, not knowing the whole story, innocently pipped in with, "Oh, no one will care about a hug." Ha! Anyway, I sent Sean off, back to his wife, without a hug. Yes, I'm mean like that lol. But have no fear, Sean will be back Monday evening so I'm sure I will have many more stories to write about for the next month.

Rick had come in around 4 am on Tuesday to teach me how to do the DSR's. Once he found out Bob, the regional manager, was in house, he got flustered and sped through it and said he'd go slower next week lol. Bob would have had a fit with Rick being there, off the clock, working.

Our evening houseman was on vacation all week and I was a hot mess. I knew it would only be a matter of time before these people got under my skin. And when I say "these people" I mean Mysti. sigh Would it kill a desk clerk to make coffee? Or better yet, clean up your damn mess IF/when you do decide to make it? Wednesday morning saw me voicing my "lack of team work concerns" to Omar & Barnabas.

I told them that I don't mind picking up the slack when things are busy. I don't mind helping out when needed because I would appreciate help if I were in their shoes. What I don't like is hearing "That's the house man's job" when making coffee or stocking the coffee supplies or even the suite shop (mini convenience store) is needed. Especially when it is slow and BOTH desk clerks are just standing around. One of us can be doing something. Don't not do something just because you assume it is another's job. Especially if said task is listed on your To-Do list!!!!!!!!! If it is slow enough to send one desk clerk home, you can make sure she does the "little" things before she leaves. Especially when we don't have a houseman who normally goes out of HIS way to do those things for you!

And then, not only did they create more work for me [read: headaches], they did it for the breakfast attendant also because what mess I couldn't get to to clean up, he had to do before he could start his breakfast process. Their lack of respect affected two different shifts, and all for what? Because they didn't feel like doing it? Nah, I don't think so. Don't play me that way, because I don't play nice with people who take advantage of me.

I was a hot mess, needless to say. But damn, do you blame me?

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Of course, my complaints came on the heels of a respected long term guest and his wife, concerning Mysti. Annnnddddddd apparently, they weren't the only ones to log complaints about Mysti.

I was sooooo looking forward to working side by side with Mysti Friday night. Someone up above loves me though :D

She didn't bother to show for work Friday. After 30 minutes, Omar tried calling her. And calling her. And calling her. She finally returned his calls at 4:15 stating that she was in pain and couldn't come in. He hung up on her. Oops! So Omar called in Evelyn to help since I was in a "Shadow" situation also known as "the blind leading the blind". A new guy, Paul, started working that day and since he had previous experience at another property, they threw him at me. Seriously, I've only been there a month. I'm not ready to train people yet. But had Mysti bothered to show, he would have been her responsibility. And since Evelyn started the same day I did, he was both our responsibility lol.

I have no idea what will happen to Mysti, if anything. She did work Saturday evening, if only for a few hours. I guess time will tell. And we'll just continue to pray that I get lucky and don't have to work with her anytime soon. Omar understands that I won't tolerate laziness; I won't tolerate passing the buck; I will not tolerate being bullied.

Every job has to have their own Shelia/Tami I guess lol

So the family & I did our free night stay over at the hotel last night. We were cracking all kinds of jokes about it: The Child - "I'm going to go get myself situated in the car" Me to her - "What the hell for? We are going 3.2 miles down the road. What is there to 'get situated' for?" Hubby - as he puts the car in drive and then slams on the brakes "Does anyone need to pee one last time? I'm not stopping this car again for nobody till we get there!" Me - at the end of the drive way - "Are we there yet?" once we get into the room - "If you need me, I'll be taking a nap. That long car ride wore me out!" Hubby - at breakfast this morning - "Y'all need to hurry up and finish eating! I want to hurry up and beat the traffic before it gets to bad! I'll be pissed if I have to sit in traffic all day!" at which point I proceeded to spew my coffee all over him and our table because I wasn't expecting him to say that. Of course, he could have waited until after I finished my sip of coffee ...

At check out this morning, Chris asked how our stay was. I replied, "Oh it was definitely a step up from the KOA's I'm used to staying in." I'm not sure but he may have peed his pants a little from laughing at me. I have to fill out a "Mystery Shopper" report when I go back in to work. Honestly, I didn't stay in the room that long. We checked in, The Child wanted to go sit in the lobby. Thirty minutes later we went to dinner and then had to have her at her school for the musical the kids were putting on that The Child was playing her trumpet for. Then we got back, changed into swimming clothes, then went back up & showered, changed, I went back home to let the dog out to potty, came back, crawled into bed (it was 11:30pm at this point) and passed out till 8 am. We got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, packed up, and checked out and was home before 9:30am. So I really didn't experience much per se.

If only I could do this again (or do over) and tell the family that they COULDN'T go with me for the stayover ... hindsight is 20/20 they say ... you live and you learn lol

Till next time ...

B+ May 19, 2014

We have been staying in a lot of hotels this past week... We've grown picky, I've decided. But I have to give it up to you because there were some pretty interesting people at some of our hotels...

anyahs May 19, 2014

Ugh, you're right. No matter where you work there will always be those coworkers who just get under your skin in some way or another. I don't blame you at all for saying something to the dudes higher up so hopefully they can get the problem taken care of! Being busy and genuinely not having time to do something is understandable, but just being downright lazy is annoying!!

JadedAngel68 May 20, 2014

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