and it was me and you in 2022

  • Jan. 10, 2022, 5:53 p.m.
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Just wanted to type up a little story I mentioned in my previous entry. These are the moments I should be jotting down and remembering!

So, we hosted a couple of EC’s friends on Saturday at the house. I had to work and he stayed there to help me start cooking/cleaning. [Mom has been gone since the day after Christmas but is finally returning tonight.] He did so much more than I thought. Even making the chili beans following my verbal directions. They were definitely good for his first time! Or any time.

The neighbour next door is sick [not with covid although with many of the symptoms…hmm] and so we didn’t want to go there like we usually do. This other couple didn’t want to risk it either and asked about hanging out with us. I was very hesitant at first. Haven’t really been letting anyone into the house and though they’ve been over it’s only been to the courtyard. It’s way too cold at night for that now though. I did some thinking and gave in because he really seemed to want to do this. We were going to make chili beans and hot dogs any way so we just made a little extra.

Every thing turned out well. The food was excellent. Despite my introverted nature I actually made conversation with G the female half of the couple, and we hung out drinking and talking for hours. Until 11pm actually. It was nice.

At one point G said some thing to me about EC and I mentioned that we didn’t even like each other at the beginning and she said she remembered us fighting/arguing. Then her husband B caught on to the conversation and said that he remembered a lot of that between us too. hah. Oops! We were just so darn sarcastic with each other and B said that he remembered hearing EC talk shit and being surprised that I would actually respond to it. This was definitely a whole thing between us every time we met up next door. I think every one knew there was a thing with us even before we did.

Anyway that got them to ask how the heck we even ended up together, what we did on our first date, ect. So we got to telling the story of how it all started. He mostly told it and I interjected here and there with my cool little anecdotes. It was actually pretty fun to be able to retell that story to someone who hadn’t heard it and genuinely seemed to want to know. We laughed, we joked, it was all great.

Then I think the tequila shots were hitting and EC got a little in his feelings and was telling them how he knew I was the one for him and that a “higher power” put us in the right place at the right time. How he knew going in to that first date that he wanted me to be his girlfriend and he wanted to know every thing about me. That he loves me very much. And he turned to look at me, stare right into my eyes, and suddenly they weren’t even in the room any more. I couldn’t help but let this smile slowly spread across my face and just soak in all that love that he was sending me without even saying a word. Ahh happiness…

Since they were literally still sitting right across from us, they totally saw that exchange and started remarking on how cute it was and how big my smile was. I hope they really saw what we have between us. I hope they felt that this is the real deal just as much as we do. They have had some issues in their past and I truly hope they can feel that real honest love and make sure they have that too. I told EC the other day that I really want every one to be as happy as I am with him. We all deserve that!


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