the usual in 2021

  • Nov. 10, 2021, 1:52 a.m.
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I know, I know. I missed a few days. I kinda figured the weekends wouldn’t be very productive for writing so that’s ok. I tried to write yesterday but was too tired in the evening to concentrate. Too much stuff going on.

This is better than nothing, right? A lot better than it’s been this year so far. And I can’t believe how little of the year is left. Ugh. It’s going by too fast, as per usual.

I’m at work now waiting for a client to come sign some paperwork. After that I’ll head to the next town over to have dinner at my aunt’s. I don’t think I’ve mentioned that she moved back to her house but yeah, she’s there now. My mom’s cousin has been in town for the last month from Mexico and she’s leaving tomorrow. I’m guessing she wants to do like a going away party or something.

This last weekend was spent with EC, also as per usual. =) He came by the house in the early afternoon on Saturday. We didn’t do much. He got cleaned up from sorting some wood piles for the BBQ and then we sat down to watch the UFC fights. There were some good ones for sure! It’s nice to have someone to watch those sports with. I used to love boxing growing up but no one really likes that stuff. Mostly we watch, eat snacks [leftover chicken wings/nuggets this weekend], and drink. It’s nice to just relax.

And Sunday we did more of the same. Woke up with the wonderful time change before 9am. EC made coffee for us before I even made it to the living room.

We’ll the day is almost over. My client showed up earlier than expected. I left right after to have dinner. That was good. My aunt is getting better at cooking. Then I came home and had to rush around to get things packed because my mom has to leave tomorrow to go help my brother. That’s a story for another day. I’m tired now and bed sounds nice.

Either that or a nap on the couch.


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