to nojomo or just no in 2021

  • Nov. 4, 2021, 7:07 p.m.
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I had totally forgotten all about NoJoMo until I hopped on here and started seeing all the entries from everyone. I used to participate in this every single November and then some where along the lines I fell out of the habit. I wish I could get back into it. It would definitely force me to process more thoughts, but I’m honestly not sure I could stick with it. I don’t get on the laptop every night like I used to, which definitely contributes to the lack of writing the last few years. Phones are way too small for typing.

Plus I always feel like I need to write some grand story/update every time and life isn’t always like that. I need to train myself to come in here, spill a few thoughts, and leave. It’s for my own sake anyway.

I am currently at the office. I came here to finish up some classes/training. At least they were easy. Nothing compared to the ones I just finished last week for my license. Barely made it too since they were due the 31st and I think I renewed the 29th. hah. I’ve always been good at procrastinating.

My appointment with the orthopedic surgeon is tomorrow morning. I should be transcribing my list of questions to a piece of paper but this seemed like a better idea. I am very curious to hear what he’s going to say. Is it going to be safe enough to schedule a surgery before the end of the year even with the swelling? Can I postpone until May without risking it being too damaged to fix? Should I do physical therapy pre-surgery? That one I’m curious about. I think it might be pretty beneficial considering my current lack of range of motion and strength in both legs.

Whatever he says, I just want to make sure it’s the right decision for me and the safest most successful option. I’ll try to update tomorrow.

I also want to know what our plan is for two other reasons: 1) my brother and 2) a mini-weekend vacation with EC.

First the “vacation”. Basically EC saw that there was a pretty decent sale for a hotel up north in wine country. We have been wanting to get away for a while and do something relaxing. He sent me the link and I did some research yesterday and ended up purchasing the voucher.

It’s a really good deal! I looked at their website [because I like to know everything before I go!] and paying their standard nightly rates would cost about double what I got the voucher for. That’s insane! The place looks super quiet and peaceful, which is exactly what we are looking for. I got the voucher for a 2-night stay on a weekend. Check in Friday or Saturday. I have to contact the hotel directly and ask for the dates I want then they say yes or no. I assume they’ll be more particular about agreeing since they’re not making as much money, but I think we’re going to shoot for a date in a couple weeks. It’s outside their “blackout” dates so fingers crossed. I’ll send the e-mail out tomorrow afternoon so hopefully they won’t be booked up. I am definitely looking forward to this. A relaxing weekend away is exactly what we both need!

Second the brother. I don’t think I’ve mentioned much about him, but he’s been in a bad place for a while. Dealing with mental health issues. He actually reached out for help and I went out there for a few days. Did I talk about any of this? I’ll have to go back and check later.

Anyway, I did what I could and it was a mess that I might get into later if I never mentioned it.
He’s supposed to start this hardcore treatment and is going to need help with driving, etc. Of course he doesn’t really have any friends any more and we don’t have much family so he’s looking to us. Except I’m pretty busy around here with appointments etc. so we discussed him asking mom for help.

He hadn’t spoken to her in two years, maybe more. It’s a whole big drama because he takes our desire to help him as us not accepting him. Seeing him the other day was the first time in several years because of all this [when I used to visit at least twice a year].
So yeah, he finally reached out to her yesterday. Called and gave his story and asked her for help. It’s going to be crazy trying to manage but of course we’re going to try because he’s our family. I think he’s finally starting to realize that. No matter what, we’re family. And we are all he has.

We’ll see how that goes. More updates after tomorrow’s appointment.

I think that’s good enough for now. Time to head home for some dinner.


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