"my give a damn's busted" in General musings

  • April 25, 2014, 3:34 p.m.
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So, he called on his way home, as if nothing is different...Says he feels suicidal and violent and like he doesn't care if he wakes up in the morning.. which normally would send me into a torrant of worry and fear..but frankly if he wants to kill himself - said he told his parents graveside, "I'll see you soon." - go right ahead...rid the world of a miserable son of a bitch. And it is not even like I have replaced sadness with anger...its more of a "meh" feeling - which is why I didn't want to cut off contact...the more I talk to him , or listen to his ongoing raving monologue, the more grateful I will be to be out of a relationship with him...not that I've ever been in one..not in 30 years...

Honestleigh April 25, 2014

Sounds manipulative. ..

Deleted user April 25, 2014

I can relate to him, but you, too. I suggest helping yourself... even if it means severing the connection to him.

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