Tired and cranky in Another Open Diary refugee

  • April 28, 2014, 4:25 a.m.
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I know the world doesn't revolve around me... but I can't help wishing every now and then, that just for a few moments, it would...

We went to Orlando for the weekend. It was John's 50th birthday on Saturday and he wanted to go up and fix Dicks' computer again, so to Orlando we went. The computer fixing didn't take long... he got most of it done on Friday night, and then he spent some more time on it this morning before we came home. Dick took us to breakfast on Saturday and then he took us and our sister/other BIL to dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. Not where I would have picked... but beggars can't be choosers. I can't abide steak, and last time I tried their chicken it tasted like a salt lick, so I had the tuna with salad and a chicken flatbread appetiser. They were nice enough, but not worth what you pay for them, so it's a good thing I wasn't footing the bill. I felt very bold and daring ordering an appetiser as well as a salad. I feel bad about spending other people's money on myself.

I wasn't in a very sociable mood and I guess everyone could tell. Rita wanted to know if I was okay, so I told her I was tired, which I was... there was a sweet little baby at the next table and it just got to me and made me want to cry. Then the sweet little baby got overtired and started bawling and I couldn't wait to get out of there! We were supposed to go over and see Rita this morning before we left, but she wasn't up yet so we just came home. We'll go back again next month some time before my birthday and make sure to spend more time visiting with her... they're building a new Aldis store down the street from the complex, and I'm hoping that by the time we go back it will be open. I'm addicted to their $2 European chocolate bars. That stuff is soooooooooo good! We didn't buy any more this time because I wasn't feeling well and I just wanted to come home today, not go shopping first...

The girls were glad to see us home... my left hand is screaming at me. I overused it on Friday baking a birthday cake (which we accidentally left at home on the counter!) and sorting out John's junk for him. It didn't hurt yesterday because I wasn't doing anything except sitting around, but today it really hurts again. I'm going to go to Walgreens tomorrow and get either a brace or a bandage to support it and make sure I rest it. We were both hurting like crazy by the time we got home today... driving up to Orlando and back takes it out of you. Yeah, I know I'm not doing the driving, but the trip is hard on me anyway.

Katren...In Conclusion April 28, 2014

Everything Good Rebecca April 29, 2014

Sometimes being a passenger is more stressful than doing the driving when one has more control or at least feels as though. I'm hoping you feel better including the wrist/arm thing.

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