Girl stuff in Another Open Diary refugee

  • April 30, 2014, 2:30 p.m.
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I've had PMS all week... but when I look on the calendar 28 days doesn't come round till Friday. Usually I only get it a day or two beforehand, if at all. Guess my hormones are jumping the gun this month. Ugh. Poor John's having a rough week too - going to Orlando after the week he had last week was probably a dumb idea... he's been in a ton of pain, and today he's got vertigo again.

One good note - when I sorted out all our paperwork for the taxes (which we still haven't done yet but we got an extension) I found the cats vet paperwork and the insurance claim forms and found out that it wasn't too late to put the three claims in. We got a $40 check for Scouty's abscess yesterday (her vet visit cost $160 and there's a %100 'gap' then they pay 80%)... not a lot, but it's better than nothing! The dental claims are being processed and hopefully we'll get a bunch of money back for that soon.

EDIT - it wasn't just my hormones jumping the gun... my cycle is running two days early this month. Ugh. At least that explains why I had the 'day before' depression so early.

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