To the sea in 2014

  • May 17, 2014, 6 a.m.
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A lovely meal in a restaurant by the sea, cocktails under the stars. We went for a walk to "look for the moon" apparently. The moon has been huge and beautiful the last few nights but we couldn't see it anywhere, he was most put out by this - "bloody moon" grumble.

So we stopped and sat down looking out at the sea and he told me he loved me and that I had made his life complete and I predictably, laughed and took the piss out of him. And then he said "I've got something to ask you" and started rummaging in his pocket and I said "noooo! What the fuck!? Is this actually happening?!" And laughed a lot, which apparently is very disconcerting for man trying to propose. But then he asked me to marry him and I managed to compose myself long enough to say "yes, of course I'll marry you."

So now I'm engaged. And it feels weird. And I feel bad for that a bit, and also that my instinctive reaction to any mildly awkward and serious situation is to cackle uncontrollably. But yeah. It's so strange because we've talked about it plenty and it was always the plan but now it's like WOAH! That's a lot! But a good lot. But it still feels very strange.

Last updated May 18, 2014

Etoile Filante May 18, 2014

Congratulations!!!! That's wonderful xXx

Deleted user May 18, 2014

Wow! Congratulations! That is amazing and I'm so happy for you!

Bomb Shell May 18, 2014

Oh wow, congratulations! :o)

martian princess May 18, 2014


fidget May 18, 2014

Exciting!! Congratulations!!!!! Xx

walking.on.sunshine May 19, 2014


history of love May 19, 2014

I'm so happy for you. You had some bad times before but this is your time to sparkle. Enjoy being engaged! x

celador May 19, 2014

That's wonderful, so happy for you. Congratulations :) xxx

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