What am I doing? in The Common Room

  • Feb. 27, 2014, 6:05 p.m.
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To me -- not much. According to daughters,-- lots. I am at home, still, for a couple more days, have a daughter here. Twenty days ago, my blood pressurre tanked and I flat-lined. One doctor told kids to call hoapice. Another agreed to help because little daughter would not give up, although I wanted her to. I had two thoracic surgeries (lung)

Today, I walk to the bathroom and back. I walk to the table for meals, but cannot make them yet. I did pare and bake three pears in the microwave, but had to sit to pare them. I have managed to learn a new way of calculating to go with a new insulin.and have used my computer to make a usable list to keep track of 15 different meds. I can now fill my pill cases and take then safely myself.

I sometimes panic at how little strength I have and the fact that I cannot coplete small tasks( I seem to have lost most of my ability to use my left hand) Soon the children must return to their lives and I MUST cope.

I'm swollen all over, which restricts movement. I've just finished the antibiotics for septic lung , but still healing from the this and frrom the inflamation. Taking many meds for heart, which was damaged by septic lung. Have had 1 cancer treatmetn. I will have one a month for 6 month ans then evaluate. I am on oxygen because of the Malt Lymphoma. . I needed to feel strong and bold, which Is not natural ro me, so I did something a little strange. Second day home, I got my husband to get his barber to come to the house and cut my hair. My hair has not been cut in 50 years. I just cut off a bit of the braid once in a while.

When I say cut, I mean CUT! One inch, mostly. Up and back. Spiked on top. I don't care how anyone thinks it looks -- It's freakin' wonderful!

I laugh every time I see it.. .. .. Hair was donated.

.. ..

.. I'm also laughing thst I've spent an hour trying to get that last picture turned. Phooey on it. Later

Deleted user February 27, 2014

So glad you are able to do more things! Little changes can make a huge difference. Didn't realize you had such long hair, though. I had really long hair a few times, too. Once it was just past my ass. I'm sure having short hair will help make things easier for you, and I wouldn't care how it looked after all you've been through either. :)

Everything Good Rebecca February 27, 2014

The freedom from hair worries is huge, isn't it? That was bold and brave, getting your husband's barber to do The Cut. You continue to be an inspiration and to set such a good example for everyone you touch. I'm glad you're home for now and dealing with reality so well.

Eriu February 28, 2014

When I decided to cut my long hair, it took me a couple of years before I could actually do it. I'd decide to do it then chicken out, asking that only a few inches be taken off. When I finally had it cut to a short length (the way I wore it in high school and into my early 20s) I cried but I love it now.

MageB February 28, 2014

I like the new hair. LOL Actually, I love it. I keep thinking I will grow it out again, then I have it cut. Yes, sitting in the kitchen is ok as long as you can do it. Pretty soon you will be standing.

You have to turn the pictures in Prosebox before you put them in. I can't get my pictures to get smaller.

ThoughtsAfter March 08, 2014

Just read through your earlier entries...and wanted to say I love your hair cut; now you look brave enough to get through all of this and do well. Many regards.

Everything Good Rebecca March 22, 2014

Loving the picture! I know I look much better in long hair than in short, mostly because my hair tends to become a fluffy basketball so easily. Long hair is easier because I can put it in a braid or a ponytail and be done, right? And my BIL is always saying about short-haired women older women that they (gasp--we?) look like short-haired older men. When I go to church and notice the white heads all around, I see that he has a point in some cases, but not in all cases. I'm thinking YOU are one woman who looks phenomenal in your new do!

Deleted user March 24, 2014

Hey, it's been a while. How are you doing?

ThoughtsAfter March 26, 2014

I find myself so often coming here to see how you are...thank you for leaving your name on my diary. I do hope you are finding some pleasures and recovery possible.

Silverkitty March 27, 2014

Your short hair looks great! There's a lot you can do from sitting down. (hugs to you)

km April 06, 2014

Wow! I was hoping to see something more recent from you, but I am hopeful that you are doing better since you last wrote. I like the hair! Being bold is awesome!

Thomas April 29, 2014

My signature on your page now. Fair is fair and Hair today, gone tomorrow

Katren...In Conclusion Thomas ⋅ April 29, 2014

How wonderful. - a just plain comment comment. Bright and breezy at thsst. Thank You.

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