Yawn! in Another Open Diary refugee

  • April 11, 2014, 9:41 a.m.
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  • Public

True love is getting up at 7am to wash your partner's work pants while he's asleep... and then doing it again the very next day because he spilled soda on his way home from night shift and he only has one 'good' pair.

Made it to Friday... and John got paid so we're not quite so desperate. One day left of this evening shift... I'm TIRED and I'm not the one going to work at all hours. (he's already got 48 hours in for the week and he's still got to add today.)

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm April 11, 2014

that's a lot of hours. hope he's getting good overtime for all those hours. take care,

Everything Good Rebecca April 15, 2014

Yes, that's true love you are performing!

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