Biblical womanhood? Ugh! in Another Open Diary refugee

  • April 12, 2014, 11:03 p.m.
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Just stumbled on a blog about 'biblical womanhood'... talk about gagalicious! The thing is, I might be a stay-at-home-wife through choice, and after nearly thirty years in the church, I'm sure of myself as a Christian, but I sure didn't drink that particular koolaid. Some women are wired to want to have careers and that's okay... some women just want to stay home and look after their families and that's okay too. I was created to be my husband's helpmeet, his PARTNER, not his slave. I spent a couple of years trying to meet up to the right-wing churches' expectations, all the time wondering if I was the one who was wrong because I just couldn't do it...

I love my husband. I love my God. I love my church (okay, the church in general we don't really have 'a' church right now). And I love myself.

Galaga II April 15, 2014

We would have starved if I had taken on the traditional woman's role in our marriage. Some women are not meant to be homemakers, some men are. It's time we ditched these outdated roles and quit expecting others to live by someone else's definition.

Everything Good Rebecca April 15, 2014

You sound like a biblical woman to me!

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