Test results and other stuff in General musings

  • April 8, 2014, 10:39 a.m.
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So, ultrasound was yesterday and some of the fibroids and my uterus overall are a little smaller, so that's good. And the cyst that showed last time has shrunk as well, but now I have an endometrial polyp and she can't remove it because fibroids are in the way. The "missing" fibroid is now behind my belly button and is somewhat annoying. Hub asked me last night if F was responsible for it moving...I don't know what kind of weird sex things he thinks we do...but, I said no, I asked the dr. already. So after I talked to Dr. I texted F, who went into concerned-mode wanting to know why I don't do the hysterectomy, "Your health is the most important thing here." He also had early, on our drive home convo, said some "interesting" things...Like telling me how he had broken up with a girl some years ago by telling her she was "a JAP". She took offense to the anti-semetics, and he said, "Not that...you're Just Another Pussy." Adding, "I was evil when I was younger...actually, I'm MORE evil now, I just hide it better." and.."Look at the way I lace into HIM, imagine if I ever unleashed it on YOU."

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