Stuff that isn't and stuff that shouldn't be in Normal entries

  • April 9, 2014, 10:02 a.m.
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Wrote something. Deleted it. Been doing a lot of that lately. Sounds hollow in the ear. False. I forget sometimes why I forced the discipline of writing daily. There should be a follow statement to that, but there isn’t. I forget, forgot, have forgotten.

I just watched this terrible movie. Made me glad I deleted. I diminished words; the movie diminished everything. I’ve had this Jason Statham collection, got around to watching I hadn’t seen before, Turn it Up. It was a clusterfuck of, well, clusterfuckery. Part of the rash of shitty gangsta rap movies. All about ideology without any of that messy idealogy shit. Every catch phrase of the day. One tiny glimmer of good in it wouldn’t have made the cut if it wasn’t a clusterfuck; the father (who of course abandoned the gangly black youth when he was a child just in case they had missed a cliché) says he doesn’t like the rap demo. He isn’t angry or weird says maybe he’s the wrong guy to ask but the samples sound sampled. He takes the son to a music academy and plays a grand piano for him. It’s the only part of the movie where ‘bitches don’t be fronting and shit and I’se gwine to get me mine’. Um, by that I mean nobody is angry or clicking back a hammer.

It doesn’t go anywhere, the bad guys still have a shoot out and the kid is the only survivor and it ends with him telling the tombstone of his ‘homie’ that ‘I knows you got my back’. Seriously dumb shit. The only movie with a worse soundtrack was that one with that fucking song “Ain’t it hard out here for a pimp” At least that movie had a straight line through it, just fuck sans cluster.

I don’t want to keep a journal like that. Granted, I don’t care for the genre of that movie, I think that would have made it worse. But, even so, it was objectively and clearly bad, should have been deleted, the producer would have contributed more by spending the money the movie cost on coke and prostitutes, at least that way coke dealers and prostitutes would have spent the money, at least some of it, on the local economy. The movie was a black hole that sucked air from the planet.

That shitty little review is better than the nonsense I wrote earlier. My son, ever the peacemaker, came back from a day at school in the second grade and told me about stopping a fight that almost broke out. The kids were escalating in their insults to one another. He stepped in and told them both that they needed more fiber in their diet. I don’t recall the ending of the story, though there wasn’t a fight. I was laughing too hard to remember how it ended. That satisfied my son. I wouldn’t call him a clown, but he’s fine when a story ends in someone laughing.

I might want to take pro-biotics. Just saying.

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