opportunities and self help from monsters in Sometimes I feel dead inside

  • April 10, 2014, 2:22 p.m.
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theres a reason people want to be scarface, why jordan belfort is popular, why gordon gecko influenced years of stock brokers. people want to be able to satiate every primal urge in their head. they want the money and the power to do whatever they want. they want batman's super power. who doesn't want to go from nothing to being a success where you are literally wasting money because you don't know any better? who doesn't want to be able to go anywhere and do anything at anytime? my problem with most of these stories is partially that they are stories, and partially that they all get caught or worse. like a warning, you can go higher than your current place in life, but if you do karma will slap you down. because having that much faith in yourself is a crime. it bothers me that is the case and i wonder if we are being spoon fed this to kill any drive or ambition we might have to be something more. anyhow, i was recently told of an opportunity i have to get into writing. yeah i know my stuff on here is less than inspiring. its mostly random ranting about my workout program and my occasional too drunk/overly emo/whatever mindset. but it got me thinking, i might try to do it. maybe give it a shot. its not like its going to hurt if i don't give it a try. i should probably consider writing more often, perhaps not on here, read a bit more. maybe i'll steal hunter thompson's approach and write walden a few times or something similar. all i know is i've been looking for a shot and i've been looking for an opportunity so why not give it a try? worst case i find out its not for me. best case i release a bunch of books. insane not to try.

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