The covid-19 survey in Hot town, summery in the city - 2017

  • May 3, 2020, 5:32 a.m.
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I’ve seen another survey that excites me far more than this one but, I agree with charis (from whom I stole the questions), it will be an interesting one to look back on.


What country are you in?


Are you in a big city, small city, town, or countryside?

I’m in a medium sized town, surrounded by countryside and ancient human sites of interest.

What are the restrictions put on your daily life right now? How long have you been ‘in quarantine’?

I have had to close my business for the time being (One that i have worked hard to build up to being viable).

I can no longer explore the world as I run (although I have overcome that 😉).

I had a couple of weeks of not being able to bake bread (I’m one of the few people who did this regularly prior to “this shit”) until I managed to source a local producer of bread flour.

Youngest and I haven’t been able to leave the house until yesterday when she received a letter from the NHS to say they have changed the restrictions for asthma. We both still have two of the medications in the list of people having to stay at home but neither of us have had something called prednisone which, I assume, is an emergency steroid. Therefore we can resume social distancing walks. That actually makes me feel a little uncomfortable, I had become very safe in my little bubble.

We have officially been in “quarantine” for around 40 days although eldest and I have been at home for a week longer than that.

How many people have died of CoVid in your state or province, according to official stats? And do these include people dying in long-term care homes?

In the south west of England, in which we only just fit, at the very east of the region, they have been 3392 deaths. In our town I think it’s somewhere between 50 and 70 and in our ‘burb it’s 2. Our numbers only just started to include care homes although I have no idea if the stats I have given you include those.

Do you believe the numbers for your state/province are generally accurate? If not, do you think they are higher or lower?

I have no insider knowledge. The only thing I know is that not everyone is being tested, so no one can really have a clear answer.

How do you feel about your government’s response to the pandemic? (Federal, state/provincial, municipal…)?

I think it took them too long to take it seriously. At the start there was quite a lot of flooding around the UK following the winter storms so Johnson claims he was dealing with that but there seems to be suggestion of him doing other, rather more frivolous things. I think the fact that he has had the virus means that he will be far more attuned to the implications now, it could give him more impetus to do the right thing but I’ve never liked nor trusted him and that feeling hasn’t changed.

Are there any national leaders you have particularly admired during the pandemic?

Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand went straight into shutting the country down. No hemming and hawing, just bam. Closed. Yep, she did good.

Are there any websites you check obsessively (or regularly) for CoVid stats?

No. I think the news is too covid-19 centred. I decided very early on that I didn’t need to hear every Tom, Dick and Harry’s opinion, not how it affected them. I switched off the radio and took to listening to podcasts about things that interest me: running, history, science etc… Johnson (or one of the government ministers) does an update at 5 every day which we try to listen to but, beyond that, we just get on with our lives.

Do you agree with those who say we can expect ‘a tsunami of deaths’ in third world countries?

I think that’s a horrific truth. I’m thankful that medicìn sans frontiers is a charity I support as I know they’re working incredibly hard to set up hospitals in places where, otherwise, there would be no healthcare.

What other places do you go online or offline for trusted information?

I don’t. As I said before, I avoid the attack of over information. I think it can numb your senses to the true realities.

Has your job situation changed? If so, how?

I worked very hard to get my business to a point where we had enough money for extras (such as a new pair of boots that I bought in January because I liked them, not because I needed them). Having to close means going back to living frugally. However, this has made me realise that I need to stop playing with painting nails and set that up as business number 2 once this is over. Even doing two sets of nails a week I could earn between £120 and £160 a month. Not loads but enough for putting it to save towards something.

Are you eligible for any stimulus money from your government?

Yes and no. Small business’s that set up within the last year can receive up to 80% of their average income. If they do their taxes by a certain time. I’m missing one number for doing mine; how much interest I have on my savings account. I’m struggling to get this number and I think I’m almost out of time.

Are you concerned about government spending and stimulus packages? Too much? Not enough?

There has to be a balance but what we can’t have is people dying because they can’t afford to live.

How concerned are you about the future economy?

I think it will all balance out in the future.

Do you think there will be any positive, long-term changes we will make as a country/world as a result of this pandemic?

I would like you think so but I also know it is natural instinct for all living creatures to accept the easiest options in life. No matter how many realisations of how little we really need to live that we have, one life becomes easy again we will fall straight back into the consumerist lifestyle.


Who are you quarantining with… and how’s that going?

hubby, 14yr old and 11yr old daughters (and two cats). We’re all kind of chilling into it. Eldest has anxiety so is struggling, her counsellor was quarantining due to symptoms and we haven’t heard anything so I’ve been trying to chase up with phone calls but not getting any response. Youngest is struggling away from friends so I’m allowing more online gaming than usual. She knows the rules about not DMing with strangers and she has to be downstairs while playing. Hubby is working from home which is tough as we don’t have a dedicated work space. He sets up a fold away table in the bedroom but the room is north facing so it’s always a bit dark and cold. He does come downstairs for Lots of mine breaks though which he doesn’t do at work, often working right through lunch so, for that, I’m really glad.

What season is it where you are? What is the weather like during your quarantine, and has that made it easier or more difficult to stay home?

It’s spring here and the weather has, mostly, been utterly gorgeous. The odd spate of rain for a few days but mostly warm and sunny. We’re very lucky that we have a garden, albeit a small garden, because we can spend large quantities of time outside. I have a good friend in Spain where they’re not allowed to go out and she lives in an apartment. She’s a hiker and her husband is a runner so it’s quite tough for them.

Do you wear a mask when you go out? What other precautions are you taking? not currently. I only go out to collect my ordered groceries and they’re incredibly good at social distancing. I am planning to make a whole bunch of masks for when things are relaxed. The best piece of advice I saw was that everyone should act as though they’re infected. That’s why we wear masks, to avoid infecting others.

What is shopping like for you these days? Has it been difficult to find products you need?

I have been able to secure online delivery or collection slots every couple of weeks, on top of this I have a local farm veg box every week. This contains random veg and fruit. The farm have started adding more options to order separately eg. Dairy, tinned food , beer, meat and flour. I am able to get my staples from them. On top of that, if there is ever anything extra, our local shop opens at 6am so I can get there for opening and buy stuff before everyone else arrives.

Are schools open where you are? How do you feel about the way schools have been handled?

They’re not. I think they could have been closed earlier but, for us, this is working really well.

Has CoVid-19 affect any major exams for you/your kids/anyone you know?

For us, no. We’re lucky in that it hasn’t landed on any of those years. Eldest should be taking her first three GCSEs next summer so hopefully things will be functioning by then. A good friend of mine’s eldest son should be doing all his GCSEs this year and she’s finding it incredibly hard to get him to do anything school like because there are no exams.

How have business shutdowns affected you in your daily errands, etc?

Just in that I can’t find out how much interest I have on that savings account. The really annoying thing is that it will be just pennies!!

Both girls are missing out on their groups, football training for youngest and youth groups for eldest.

What do you really, really, really, miss?

The beach. I would have been a couple of times by now.

Is there anything that you thought you’d really, really, really miss but that you’re surprisingly fine without?

Well… there was running but I solved that by taking up a huge space in my living room with a treadmill… seriously, I can’t think of anything!

Have you taken up any new hobbies, worked on a new skill or try anything else new? no, but I have done more of the things I enjoy; sewing, cooking, gardening, DIY, reading, playing board games with the kids…

What else have you been doing more of since being in this quarantine?

Ahhh… see above… also chilling. I’ve been chilling more and been in contact with my siblings more. My younger sister has a lovely house but no garden and my older sister’s boyfriend has gone to live with his dad who has dementia so she’s on her own in her flat but with only a balcony and no garden. I’ve also been in contact with my neighbour who has her spleen removed a few years ago so she’s in the highest risk category. We usually say hello across the road but not much more. I’ve been making sure she’s okay and have been adding her shopping to my orders. We then have a system of her leaving out a box, I make sure her shopping is separate from mine, put it on the box. She comes out to collect it a few minutes later and puts an envelope through the door with the money. We call and chat as well as sending WhatsApp memes and videos. It’s really nice. We’ve been neighbours for over sixteen years!!

What have you been doing less of?

Work 🤣 oh, and driving everyone (yes, this includes hubby who doesn’t drive) everywhere that they need to be....

Have you binged any shows you can recommend?

I’ve been spending time watching Spanish TV to help my Spanish. I can speak and read really well but have sheets struggled to converse as I have to with very hard to understand at the speed of speech. Netflix is a fabulous tool as I can watch Spanish programmes which I do with English subtitles. I’m thinking of moving on to Spanish subtitles. I have watched El Mar de Plástico, El ministerio del Tiempo (sadly no longer available), El Casa de Papel (money heist in English), and many more. And I now have a crush on the Spanish actor Rodolfo Sanchez. 🤣🤣

Are you cooking more?

I’m not, but only because I started cooking more before “this shit” started. I joined Second Nature in January which helps to reset habits. One of the early ones was meal planning and cooking. That really set me in good stead for the shutdown ad meal planning is vital when you can’t just pop to the shop.

Have you discovered any new recipes?

Yes, but through Second Nature. Very few of them aren’t delicious!

Are you eating more healthy food or more unhealthy food?

I don’t even work for the bloody company but am going to push Second Nature again 🤣🤣 the habits include making healthier choices so, again, I started eating healthier before “this shit” began. I’m still making those choices. Again, easier to do when you can’t pop to the shop 😂

Are you getting more or less exercise?

More exercise that’s specifically designed exercise but less every day exercise. Eg. In my business I would walk all over with the kids I looked after. The best walk being the almost mile walk to the nature group with one kid in a sling, one in the buggy, one on the buggy board and one walking! Now, that isn’t happening but instead of running three times a week, I’m running every other day. This only adds an average of half a run a week but the regulatory of it seems to be helping my fitness.

Have you gained weight? Lost it?

Lost a couple of kilos but all planned.

Are you sleeping better or worse?

Worse and this is linked to “this shit” only in that I can’t see my physio so my shoulder is really effing hurting. I have been using hubby’s shoulder massager that I got him for Christmas, I’ve been doing exercises but this is only holding it in stasis. I can get it to the point that I can get to sleep but I wake up a couple of times a night with pain and will sit up, Eyes still closed, and do some basic exercises.

Are you spending more money or less?

Less because hubby isn’t having to pay for four buses a day, isn’t having coffee and cake at work nor beer on the way home. I’m not popping to the shop for extras that were more convenience than necessities. I’m not paying out for the girls’ groups nor the petrol for the constant ferrying.

Have you taken your temperature in the last month?

No. I know when I have a fever. I only take my temperature if I want to know what that fever is. At Christmas we all had flu and didn’t have a thermometer (we were at my dad’s). I knew I had a fever because of the way my thighs feel (yup, just the thighs!! ).

Do you know anyone (yourself included) who has been tested positively for CoVid19? If so, are they okay?

Only friends/family of friends. So far, yes.

Do you think you may have had CoVid19 (though untested)? Why?

I hadn’t thought so until PB’sCharis said she thought she had and I asked her about it. I then saw an article saying it could have been around longer than we realise. It’s made me reevaluate the Christmas flu. Hubby works in an international college and he was the first one with the flu. It passed to me then the girls. There were so many similarities to the covid-19 symptoms that I am, now, questioning the possibility. However, it does still feel as though it was a little too early. If it weren’t for hubby’s job I would dismiss it out of hand.

Is there anyone in your life you are very concerned about?

To be honest, no. Mildly concerned that we will learn nothing from this.

Mediumly concerned about eldest’s mental health. She is struggling a lot and we really need to get counselling back on the go.

^How concerned are you for your own health?*

Because of my asthma, anything that affects the lungs will attach itself to me and hang in for dear life. That’s my only concern.

Would you be seeing a doctor at this time of it weren’t for CoVid19? If so, what about? Do you know anyone who should see a doctor but hasn’t?

I have fungal toe nails and really want medication to nip it in the bud but, it isn’t life or death. No, i don’t know of anyone who should see a doctor.

What are you most looking forward to when this is all over?

The beach. It is my place of tranquility. Wet have a jar that we can all put suggestions of outings in.

How have you been staying connected to your friends and loved ones? How’s that going?

WhatsApp and zoom have been fab.

What do you think is the biggest adjustment you’ve had to make?

Having always hated treadmills, I have bought one (at least third hand) that folds up. It gets pulled out every other day and put in front of the TV on which I put YouTube virtual treadmill videos, allowing me to run all around the world without leaving the house. I am incredibly thankful for the treadmill now.

^What’s been the worst thing about CoVid19 for you so far?*

How do I choose the worst? At the moment I will go with the amount of health workers dying because they don’t have the correct equipment. I may think of something else later.

What’s been the best thing about CoVid19 for you so far?

Reconnecting with my family from being four very busy people in the same house.

Have you learned anything about yourself?

That I’m far more insular than I realised!!

What little things did you take for granted before?

Popping out whenever I fancied, touching things in public spaces.

If you could say something to your four-months-ago self, what would you say?

Don’t buy those boots, you won’t have the chance to wear them because you’ll be in the house!!

Jinn May 03, 2020

Great survey !

Deleted user May 03, 2020

So interesting to read all this. Bummer about your shoulder! And darn, that missing number! Can you just put in a fake number for now?

ermentrude Deleted user ⋅ May 03, 2020

Mujer is coming to my rescue with a hubby who understands these things ☺️

Deleted user ermentrude ⋅ May 05, 2020

Did you see this?
BBC News - Coronavirus: France's first known case 'was in December'

ermentrude Deleted user ⋅ May 05, 2020

Yes, in fact it was mujer who sent this too 😆

Deleted user ermentrude ⋅ May 05, 2020

haha, nice

thesunnyabyss May 03, 2020

it is really interesting to see how other countries are dealing with this and how other people in general are dealing with this,

we've had to see our doctor a couple of times now, for Wayne's disability claim that didn't get approved, but my point is that the office was so quiet, no one else there, super clean and the doctor also offered phone appts, not sure if that would be an option for you, he said he's even doing video calls when needed, also same with the counsellor, a friend of mine does her appts by zoom now,

stay safe and be well, xox

ermentrude thesunnyabyss ⋅ May 03, 2020

She should be having phone counselling but her consult went off sick x

thesunnyabyss ermentrude ⋅ May 03, 2020

oh no!

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