A very nice visit in General musings

  • March 21, 2014, 4:43 a.m.
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My trip to F's house went very well. I ended up staying over due to a combination of rain and too much wine. I met his sister and we spent the day talking about their mother who the sister never met. She was adopted and only found her birth mom after she passed. She looks incredibly like F's mom and has so many of her mannerisms too. F was very well behaved if a bit frisky..And with me and his sister drinking so much wine, we talked pretty deeply too. She was questioning why we aren't together saying we're not getting any younger and clearly we want to be. He said we are together...and he is not getting married again, so we can just live in sin the rest of our lives. So she asked me why I don't leave my husband. I, being drunk and brave said, 'Ask the man on the other side of this table'. He protested, "I've told you to move in here." (Bullshit). His sister went up to bed relatively early and he played Grand Theft Auto on the 3D tv while I watched. Then we went up to bed. Still won't tell me he loves me, but started the "I want to have a baby with you so bad" and asking, "Did you miss me? Do you love me? Are you in love with me? For how long?" My answers were yes, yes, yes and forever. We talked when he got out of the shower and back into bed with me, and then I went back to sleep for awhile. Got up after he'd left, talked some more to his sister and then drove home.

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