I was always interested in Pediatric Surgery. Kids get better. They are worth fighting for. Before having E, I thought that I could handle the emotional toll of that field. For the most part you are taking about an appendix or fixing a hernia.

The other day a 2.5 yo girl was admitted with a large mass in her anterior mediastinum (front part of the chest). It was compressing the entire left side of her airway. We needed to get a biopsy of the mass so that the Oncology team could start the appropriate chemo. However, we could not intubate her because of the effect the mass had on her airway. So through mild sedation and local anesthesia we prepared to do the biopsy with her awake.

The anesthesiologist had Mickey Mouse Clubhouse playing on her phone while we prepped her for the biopsy. As we injected the local anesthesia she cried out for her Dad. I looked down and I couldn't replace her face with E's. My eyes watered and we performed the biopsy as quickly as we could. I walked out of the OR realizing I likely didn't have the emotional fortitude to be a pediatric surgeon.

We all deal with difficult medical problems differently. There is not a right or wrong way. It is just our own way.