other stuff. in 2018

Revised: 11/03/2018 10:20 p.m.

  • Oct. 30, 2018, 11:30 p.m.
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so i’m on twitter as i’ve mentioned. actually i mentioned this back when we all thought the site was closing down. this site. btw my twitter SN is misslovely. um so that’s how i. well i looke look back at my feed thingy on there and that tells me more of what happened. but apparently it doesn’t have it before like this month so. yes. but here is more stuff that’s happened this month:

‘ so at my mom’s choir event thing earlier. she & i were talking to a woman who apparently i’d already met. she just looked really different. this reminds me of when back in my bar days i went up and talked to this woman Rebecca. who apparently i’d already met. i had? sure surprised me. oh and then another night. i saw these 2 guys across the bar who i thought were friends of mine. so i went over to them and i’m ‘hey what’s........omygod i am so sorry. i thought you were friends of mine’. what makes it even funnier is they. thought i. was a friend of theirs or so they told me.;

and omygod the stupid tongs: ‘ so i’m first in line at the buffet thing getting chips. for my salsa...........w/ a giant pair of tongs. it took me like 2 or 3 or 4 times to get the stupid things onto my plate. chips not the tongs. it’s so ridiclous. but why though? there should’ve been a spoon. turns out there was. it was buried. sorry people waiting in line behind me. yeah never ever have tongs. w/. chippies. it’s just so ridiclous. no to help w/ this put a giant spoon in w/ the chips.ies chippies.’

‘so this woman in my mom’s choir. she evidently turned 64 recently and she’s tellin us about it and she’s ‘we sang ‘when i’m 64’ by the beatles’ and i’m ‘no way’. she is not 64. no i’m not being charming or thoughtful. she legitimately looks 60 61. like i’m just being honest.’

oh yeah the pita bread thingy. this happened oct. um 7th i think yes oct. 7th; ‘ so firstoff i’m ok except. well a little embarassed. yeah i accidentally burned frozen pita bread earlier. fuk. i wrapped it in a paper towel and microwaved it for 1 minute. like i’ve done a couple times before no problem. well apparently by the time it was done. it. had burned.

although. maybe it was a good thing it was wrapped considering fire can’t breathe without oxygen. i’m ok everything’s ok. just well. i did not like that plan. this happened at my mom’s. after that i didn’t use the microwave. yeah um let’s wait awhile. [oh btw. i had pita but the unburned cold pita.]. ‘

on monica: ‘ ya know i’m one of those people to where. if when a singer well sings. and i don’t feel anything. then they weren’t good. they could have this great voice but. without emotions. nothin. yeah there’s a woman in my mom’s choir like that. people like her bc she does blues. she’s less loud then she used to be. but she’s just so flat emotionally when she sings. well............but. ya know she’s fairly new and we’ve all got somethin to work on. so.’

‘ it’s funny. i’ll ask people ‘do you want help?’ when. and yet i’m one of the most independent people i’ve ever met. [well actually i haven’t i haven’t. met myself. so erm.]. like no no thank you. no helping this lady. no and it’s cool if they say ‘no’. but i’ll ask once they say ‘no’ and that’s it.’

oh yeah so on the 9th: ‘ well. today was. interesting. long day. i um i bundled up. bc oh brrr. 2 pairs of socks 2 scarves glovies. [yes. they’re called ‘glovies’. it’s a my mom word.]. hats coats snow boots of course. which got wet so damnit. and then my feet were. uh. oh so i didn’t end up buying............batteries bc when i scanned it at the self checkout they were maybe 2, 3 dollars more then they were supposed to be. went to a different self checkout same thing. cause i thought maybe it was the self checkout. but no. i know that’s not right. and these were/are the exact same batteries i’d bought before no issue. so. i got pasta salad. and yes ate it outside. well like in a covered area not. on a lawn like i’ve been doing. oh on the bus there was an attractive blonde. she was hot. glasses. i don’t usually go for blondes. also she looked
cute and comfortable. i didn’t care for her voice though. dollar store they have touch lights there but they’re little. however the um batteries that go in them are sold any/everywhere so. didn’t get them. um. at starbucks the lady greeted me by name which they’ve never done
before. they know me. [well i should hope so i’ve been going for a little over a yr.]. i got chai nummy thingy. it was good and it helped cause i’m in pain today. it’s not terrible but um it’s there. omygod heat. yes. and pumpkin bread it was ok. oh and at the bank i let a guy go
ahead of me. yeah my body doesn’t like this weather. not that it did before, jan.
at the bank the lady’s ‘do you need change?’. no i’m just standing here for the hell of it. really what gave it away? i was standing there w/, coins in my hand. yes i need change.’

oh yeah the speech thingy: ‘ so. i’m not much of a social person, offline. at my mom’s choir’s cabaret thing the next to last song was ‘i know where i’ve been’ from ‘hairspray’. i. love that song. but the um. the host, guy he made this good speech. ‘we know where we’re going and we know where we’ve been’ as simple as that sounds. ‘this. is community’ and i really felt that, then. in that moment. the power of it all. the togetherness. and ya know. maybe that can be enough for me. cause joining a choir is a lot of commitment. but. just being at their shows and the um. cabarets. maybe. that can be enough. not only for the choir itself the dwc. but also for the LGBTQ comm. cause ever since coming out - again - in april. yes that’s another reason i go. cause yes. i’m not sure they know. but knowing the ladies in the choir they’d be ok w/ it. but ya know. that’s ok. i don’t feel this huge compulsion to like. come out to one of them. but yeah. maybe that’s enough. to just. just be there. and knowing what it that means.’

oh yeah so the 11th was Nat’l Coming Out Day.
and on the days leading up to the 14th: ‘ i’m doing fine. except for the flashbacks. ptsd.’

oh yeah so on the 12th: ‘ yeah so earlier. [of course.]. um. i saw this down coat on a table by whole foods. it was on a table w/ raspberries. so i went and returned it to customer service. well a few mins. later. um. i was walking and i walked past that same table. w/ the raspberries on it only now there was this woman sitting at it. the raspberries clued me in. like wait. i know those berries. and i’m ‘sorry but did you leave a down coat here?’ ‘yes’ ‘ok well i returned it. there was no one sitting here’ ‘oh thank you’. i hope she knew i meant inside. to customer service.
like i feel naked when i lost my phone in my bed so.’

right so on the 13th: ‘ so. i found out from looking it up online that. a key ring can be opened w/ a coin. i fukin hate key rings. they’re so annoying. and so i did that and. well turns out. the lock won’t um open. i mean the key won’t open the lock. [or maybe it’s cause i was in a hurry/anxious. will come back to this later.].’

and: ‘ today um. not too many things of note happened today. um. i got the last 2 apple cider thingies at the store. good dudes. [god so good.]. um. and by where i eat a lady was picking up trash. like w/ her stick thing. people were polite. that’s one thing i really like about living
where i’m at. it’s like london but less british. er english. er londonese. i guess. londoner yes there we go.
oh but. i couldn’t find my grocery list in my purse. and i hate being disorganised. so after i’d purchased some items i went outside, sat down, looked for it and. well found it. put it somewhere else so i could find it better. oh and before all this the other stuff happened. um.
this guy asked if i’d found the blue bag i had. w/ me. his friend [lady] had one just like it. and i’m ‘no i didn’t find it’. i’ve had that bag for like 6 yrs. so. ok i guess interesting things have happened today. the world was less loud. which is nice as i like the quiet.’

omygod so on the 11th: ‘ yeah so the other day i walked into the men’s room at Panera. to check my teeth. chick here. so this guy comes in and i’m thinking ‘hey! what are you doing in here this is the ladies’ rm.’ no it’s not. i was in there all of 5 mins. i was really tired. luckily i’m well over 20 so.’

oh yeah: ‘ so i asked this lady what her 3 fave animals were and why and she’s ‘dogs cause they need you.’. yes that’s what i don’t like about them. i don’t dislike dogs no i like most animals. but they’re the small ones in particular are so clingy. like holy crap. leave me alone and go.
entertain yourself. dear god it’s like having a child. not that i would know. as. being that i don’t. have children. but from what i’ve surmised. from being around them in stores. children cry and they whinge [and i don’t? no i do] and just. ok let’s all please be quiet. ya know. cats aren’t like that. cats are good at entertaining themselves. like ‘ok i’ma go hunt now’. or ok i’ma go. be in the flowers’ or something. or ‘i’ma go find some sun in this house’. yes. ok see there we go. i like that. cats aren’t particularly active creatures.
cause cats. oh cats...........and animals. yes. in general.’

‘ so i looked it up online. and a person can use a coin. to get keys off the ring. well rather what they do is they slide the coin in between the. circle things. that make up the key ring. and start twisting untill the circles seperate. btw i got the lock unlocked. and everything.’

omygod. so on the 16th: ‘ that awkward moment when someone you know is on their phone but you don’t realise it at first and so you reply. well that’s embarassing. so embarassing. sorry my bad. #thatawkwardmoment happened on the way back from the store.’

and: ‘ um so. the dog came w/ us to the store. and he came up into the front seat next to me. he’s little. and i was very aware that there was another being. there. like oh hello. nice dog. and then um. at the bank. well there was a line which i actually sometimes prefer as. like i
don’t like when i’ve just gotten there and there’s not a line and they’re ‘i can help you’. fuk’s sake i just got here give me a minute. but that didn’t happen today so. uh. in between helping the prior customer and then me the lady had to. go do something. i’m like oh ok. oh so then i had to run to the bus got on it just in time. but there was a line a couple going on ahead of me so i’m like oh thank god. at the store got a magazine, pasta salad, canned mango tea and. i had a little extra so i got. lotion. it’s dry here. [ ‘here’ being the west.]. um.
at the dollar store i got. flossers and insoles. which apparently aren’t the kind that are the fancy kind. w/ the sticky part on them. but that’s ok. and also um. they’re too long. as i found out when putting one in a snow boot. but well i hope they help. took the bus to starbucks where. well i got sick. i felt better after as we sometimes do. TMI sick. so. i went and sat in starbucks for a bit. to my left were 2 people having an interesting conversation about inclusion [well that was the theme] i’m guessing of a leadership retreat. and yeah i agree. w/ the idea of inclusion i think. it’s a good plan. so i got way too excited about the idea of getting chips and stood up too fast. whoa. yeah no i was good. went to the other dollar store my second time in there got the chips and all that. back to store waiting area where
i ran into mr. rob. and his dog Dingo. [who yes is a dingo.]. he is just the nicest guy mr. rob. he doesn’t know a whole lot about me but i don’t feel this huge compulsion to tell him. stuff. he just makes my day whenever he talks to me. and he’s one of the few i’m not shy and awkward around him. dog’s nice too.
oh also. on the way to walgreen’s from the bus stop there were fire trucks and 2 police cars. like they’d stopped. by the um. er they’d pulled up/over rather. so um. good luck w/ w/e yall have going on there. no i mean it.
and on the way from the dollar store the first one to the. bus stop there were 2 guys passing w/ 2 little dogs. the dogs barked at me. i stopped cause whoa. and reasons.
another thing that happened was that when i was at the store waiting area. well this guy and his sons had exited the store. and one of them this toddler he stops by me and is ‘hi’ and i’m ‘hi’ ‘hi’ ‘i think you want to go w/ your dad’. like i won’t tell kids what to do. i’ll just state it as though i’m guessing. so i stood and he went back to his dad. not that i have kids. but if i did i’d want someone like me to wait w/ them. passively for their older adult person.’

oh yeah the gardens thing: ‘ if i had a butterfly. [no not a real one. a paper one] i’d write TBI on it. cause yes. it was. a death it was. a loss in a sense.
but idinno. i’d never want something w/ butterflies on it cause in the wild. [well in nature not neccessarily in the wild] they’re not supposed to be touched. otherwise they’ll die some of them.
so i got this cool cat mask. silhouette thing at the gardens. [ ‘the gardens’ being the botanic gardens that we have here.]. it was part of their craft halloween thing and on one part i drew a rainbow and on another i drew a circus tent. rainbow for obvious reasons. [being LGBTQ
and the circus tent being sideshows. old fashioned circuses. circi? being different. TBI. i’m satisfied w/ it i just. it’s so gripping. wow.’

‘ don’t ever ask me ‘hey do you think i look like this person?’ bc i have a bad memory for faces. it’s so bad that i almost can’t picture them. people can of course but they’re barking up the wrong tree.’

oh yeah so from the 19th: ‘ so when i was waiting to get big coins at the bank there was this hot chick at the teller station next to me. sexy woman. she was. compact and small and. yummy. so yeah i kindof didn’t mind waiting.

so i figured out what a ‘private bank’ is. it’s where someone has to push the button and talk to the person in order to be let in. like on ‘seinfeld’ and friends. intercom that what they call it? in the bank building i was looking for the actual bank and this guy who works there is ‘looking for something?’ no i’m just wandering around for the hell of it.’

oh right so on the 20th: ‘ not too many interesting things happened today. um. i got batteries from the dollar store. and they work. [well i would hope so. but w/ that kindof thing i’m never quite sure.]. and people were polite to me on the bus and. while waiting, for the bus. oh they have gripper pads

there. at the dollar store not on the bus. those things are so great. hm um. and. so i walked 10 mins. to another bus stop and decided. i didn’t want to walk an extra 20 mins. then walked back to the first bus stop. [oh if i had walked the extra 20 mins. i would’ve been at the store. and walking would’ve taken less time then waiting for the bus.].’

oh yeah about the karaoke thing: ‘ and there’s a dolly parton quote. from movie about her that christmas tv coat one that sums it up. just because you want it doesn’t mean it’s meant for you.
one woman sang a patsy cline song. i love patsy cline. the way i feel about her/when listening to her music is the way people in nashville are. huggable approachable genuine. earth. [well idinno about ‘huggable’.]. ya know even if people down there have money they don’t act like
they do. ya know no one comes off like they’re better then anyone.’

i have this, i call them ‘battery-powered’, toothbrush at my mom’s. well last night it just would not charge. [and yes it was plugged in.]. well. it was the circuit breaker thingie somethin was up w/ that. [it got fixed btw.].

from the 26th: ‘ the moon’s so big tonight. we used to have moons [well i guess there’s only one here] that big in fl. [i used to live there. i’m currently in the west. well they probably still do in fl i just don’t. live there anymore.].

so a guy accidentally referred to me as ‘Robin’ earlier tonight. i’m thinkin ‘who’s Robin?’. and he’s ‘i don’t know where i got ‘Robin’. sorry’. yeah i’m. not sure either. it’s ok but thank you. yes i’m robin i’m a bird. [well in 1960’s england.]. no really it’s fine.’

g from the 27th: ‘ Chipotle has the best damn guacomole. not that i’ve got much to compare it to really. but i’ve had store guacomole and it’s. not good.
but chipotle’s is. the real mccoy. it’s like real Mexican guacomole. [as opposed to the fake kind i suppose.]. no um. authentic that’s a good word for it.
tehe the real mccoy. since apparently this is 1920.’

Last updated November 03, 2018

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