'i'm not a mind reader'. uh ok. but i don't respond well to that. from: nov. 13, 2017. in Mentoring

  • July 22, 2018, 7:30 a.m.
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‘ so. yes this again.
see something else i like was that valerie. when we’re in the car sometimes the music’s too loud. and i don’t like that. so i brought it up to her and that’s.right that’s when she responds w/ ‘i’m not a mind reader’. yes i know which is exactly why i brought it up after so much time. i don’t really see what the problem is here. like no, really?
ok so what.would i have responded well to? her going ‘ok so since you’ve brought this up let’s talk about how to solve this’ [which we did]. if she um.hadn’t said that then it wouldn’t be ‘such an issue’.
i think. the other reason i want to tell her off.is cause there’s just so much pent up. sure i blog about it [a lot actually] but that’s not the same. they say if someone doesn’t have anything nice to say then. well don’t. yes but maybe that’s the problem. i’ve also learned.heard/read/w/e. that w/ certain things. words can and do scar a person forever. they’ll remember certain things forever. and that’s the other thing. i’m one of those i’ll er ‘forgive’ but i’ll never fukin forget.ever.
i just.i want to be more myself around her but i can’t bc 1 i’m afraid of confrontation and b i’m afraid of losing control when i’m put out, around her due to something she’s said. and that’s why i’m quiet a lot of the time. ‘you’re quiet’. no. i’m not actually i’m just afraid of confrontation and losing control. i’m only partially naturally quiet. and it’s not even like. i don’t know how to handle things when i get to that point.cause i do that’s not the issue here. the issue. here. is getting to that point.
so yeah. [damn analysis.]. ‘

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