• Feb. 28, 2018, 6:05 a.m.
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  • Public

I miss talking to you
It’s plain simple and true
I understand, we’re both busy
Perhaps this is not the time, I see

No, I’m not going to fret
It’s not all that bad
Some may say busy schedules
are lame excuses from fools

You know I still keep my pride
I think that’s alright
We do what we must
racing with time that’s always fast

Still, I’d rather be honest
Hopefully, I’m doing my best
I know we’ve still got lots to do
but let me push aside my pride
by letting you know
that I miss (talking to) you so

See you again when we’re not too busy
Stay safe, healthy, and happy.

(Jakarta,12/1/2018 – 12:45 pm)

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