Workin' 9 to 5 in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 4, 2014, 3:47 a.m.
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9 to 5, yeah/ They got you where they want you/ There's a better life/ And you dream about it, don't you/ It's a rich man's game/ No matter what they call it

- 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton

- birthday

Thank you all so much for the wonderful birthday messages you left! You really know how to make a Sassy feel loved!!


I spent the day doing not a damn thing I didn't want to do. Scratch that. I did NOT want to get up at 6:30 am. I wanted to sleep in damnit! I'm lucky if I can sleep in 2 days a month, and those are only because those are 90 minute "late start" days for The Child's school. So I was really looking forward to sleeping in on a Saturday, my birthday especially.


Einstein a.k.a. Ass a.k.a. Hubby "forgot" it was a Friday night and set his alarm out of habit. I might have been able to forgive him that. So after a couple of minutes listening to it go off, I turn over to elbow him and the Ass is not even in the bed! So I take my CPAP mask off, crawl over to his side of the bed, fumble with his alarm clock, pushing, pulling, sliding, doing whatever I could do to get the SOB to shut up. I finally had blessed silence. I crawl back over to my side, put my mask back on, lay back down and work hard at convincing myself that it really wasn't worth getting upset over. I finally fall asleep within a couple of minutes (go me!) only to have the POS go off again. Apparently I only hit the snooze button in my fumbling's. So I grab my phone and send Hubby a text (he was downstairs in the family room) that if he didn't come upstairs and turn his damn alarm clock off I was going to rip the bitch out of the wall and throw it out the window. Within 30 seconds he was there to turn it off LOL. I completely ignored him and once again worked really, really hard at convincing myself it was not worth getting upset about. It took 20 minutes but I finally did fall back to sleep. I saw the light of day next again at 10:15.

The Child slaved all afternoon to make me Candy Crush themed cake pops from scratch. They were so adorable and tasty too! I love that kid!! I truly do!

- Men

What is it about men when they feel their sexual prowess has been compromised? Seriously! If I have been having sex with you for close to 21 years, without ever straying, chances are I am satisfied with what you do.

So I get a private message for my birthday from another woman. It wasn't a bad message. It was just a message I had never received, nor ever thought I would receive. So in casual conversation, when The Child was not around, I tell Hubby about the message and that he had totally dropped the ball for my birthday. At first he was all, "Oh? Can I watch? Can I video it?" Typical male response. Later on I could tell that something was bothering him. After The Child went to bed, he proceeded to prove himself to me that he was all man and that I would never want for anyone, ever, females included. So my reader, in a round about way, you did give me the best birthday orgasim ever LOL. Afterwards I asked him what the hell had gotten into him. In a gist, he felt "threatened" because I do have a cousin that left her husband of 13 years for another woman and he was worried that the same thing could happen to him. Awe. Dude, seriously? You know my ship doesn't sail that way. Silly men and their egos.

- Work

I managed to pick up an extra 2 days again. I am up 4 extra days for the month. WooHoo. I guess Tami is going on another vacation to go see her grandkids, again. When Rachel was manager, she was allowed one Fri & Sat off from June till October. Another perk to being the owners sister I guess. This will be her 2nd 5 day vacation since the end of October. Whatever, I will have 10 days on that one paycheck at the end of the month.

I had given The Child the go ahead to invite a friend over for a sleep over on the 14th. But since I am now working day shift the 14th & 15th, we are switching it to the 15th. Hubby refuses to be left alone with any female that is not a family member. Which, I don't mind at all. So since I go in at 11pm on the 16th, it will be fine for her to come over on the 15th instead. I'm jut glad I didn't have to tell The Child that she had to cancel it all together. That would have broke her heart.

And of course, the 14th & 15th was supposed to be my one-graciously-granted-once-a-month-scheduled weekend off. So I get screwed out of that. But I get 2 extra days. The glass is either half full or half empty ... just haven't decided which one yet.

Oh, and get this, The Child is going to be in another Karate tournament on March 8. Since it will be 2.5 hours away, I went ahead and requested both the 7th and 8th off. Sure I could work the 8th. I might not get much sleep before coming in at 11 but I've been trying to work in an extra weekend off each month, besides my one scheduled one. But there is no way I could work the 7th and get off at 7am & be 2.5 hours up the road by 8:30am in time for registration/warm ups. So the 7th has to be off.

Anyway, last night, I'm looking over the schedule, going through all the notes left for who needs what day off, etc and I come across a note from Shelia saying she is going out of town on March 8th & 9th and will not be able to work. So guess what that means? Forget that I put in my request Jan. 24th, a full week before Shelia put her request in. But guess who is going to get stuck working that night? Forget that I have been working at the hotel 2.5 months longer than Shelia, she will get the seniority and will get the weekend off (even though she is scheduled every weekend off to begin with - she only wrote the note because she saw my "official" time off request and wanted to make sure she doesn't have to work that Saturday). At least the 8th will be the lesser of the 2 evils if I am forced to work. And why can't she be bothered to fill out an "official" time off request form like the rest of us? Why is a note scribbled on a scrap piece of paper sufficient enough? And really Shelia, you don't need to write it on the office calendar also to get your point across. That's just being pathetic, really.

Oh, and get this, the weekend Tami is going out of town? I'm working 7-3 Fri & Sat & go in at 11pm on Sun. Shelia works 11-7 Fri, comes back in 8 hours later on Sat for 3-11 and is scheduled to work 3-11 on Sun (she "volunteered" for Sat & Sun so that she gets overtime, again). She leaves a note for Tami that she will be coming in at 6pm on Sun, instead of 3pm, so that "she can spend time with her kids before coming in to work". Dafuq? Since when does an employee dictate what they will/will not work? And if it is good enough for me to lose out on time with MY kid, every.friggin'.weekend, why isn't it ok for Shelia also?? Why does she get special treatment? Oh, that's right, she's the favorite who gets my seniority. So guess what? They broke up the schedule for that day to "accomodate" Shelia. Joleen will work 7am-10am, Ruth 10am - 6pm and Shelia 6pm-11pm. Why is Joleen coming in on her technically only scheduled day off?

- idiot light

Why does my car insist on flashing a light on my dash every time I go into a fishtail? Seriously, why? I know the rear end of the car is swerving, I can feel it. So why is my concentration needing to be broken up by said idiot light? I need to concentrate on straightening the car back out; make sure I don't lose complete control of the car and my dash wants to start flashing this warning light so that I take my eyes off the road to see it? That was a special type of engineer who designed that! It's bad enough I'm still not "comfortable" driving with snow/ice on the roads, and my anxiety stays through the roof before-during-after said road trips, and then I go into full blown panic when the car fishtails or the anti-lock brake system engages and the car/brake pedal vibrates real bad. I so can't handle driving in this weather.

- snow

Like most of the central states, we are getting a crap load of snow. sigh And when the state is busy cancelling schools/non-essential businesses/etc. our school district wants to wait till 10:30 at night to decide to cancel.

At 9pm when they informed the parents, on Facebook, that school was in fact still scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday), I was not a happy camper and left the following comment:

"I'm glad to see the safety of the students, faculty/staff, bus drivers, etc are a main priority for the school district. This concerned parent will be keeping her child out of school tomorrow. My child's life is too valuable to allow incompetent board members to play Russian roulette with. The local weather service has issued a winter storm warning until 6pm tomorrow evening and I intend to take that warning seriously!"

At 10:30, when they finally said that school would in fact be canceled for tomorrow, I couldn't just stop with the one comment above LOL I had to leave another one:

"Better late than never. Now all the Fire, Police, EMS, Factory, Hospital people who can't call out of work tomorrow get to scramble around in the middle of the night looking for alternate care for their children since the school district couldn't be compassionate enough to inform the parents at a decent hour (like when every other school district in the state was announcing school closures for tomorrow) to make arrangements."

I expect I will be receiving a (another) phone call tomorrow from someone in the district office. Last time, The Child's teacher called me directly for a few comments I made about her. No one can ever accuse me of not being an active parent in my child's education! Wonder if they will eventually ban/block me from the FB page?

I'm hoping the snow fall amount stays low before 7am. If it gets more than 3 inches, I will be walking home instead of driving. I brought my snow boots, a thick pair of sweat pants to put on over my jeans, a hunter's hat (with fur, ear flaps, buckles under chin), 2 scarves (one for my neck, one to wrap around my mouth/nose), Hubby's reflective vest and gloves. I left my purse at home and only brought my wallet so that would be one less thing I would have to worry about carrying home. I have my backpack & my lunch bag & those will keep me hands/arm free. It will only be 4/10 of a mile I will have to walk so it won't be too bad, but I'm sure it will be cold. But here's hoping the amount stays low till I get home. I don't feel comfortable leaving my car at work due to the tense situation with Tami/Joleen/Shelia. Especially when I am going to be off work till Friday night. Also, I really don't want to have to walk back to get it. Besides, we are getting more snow on Thur, Fri, & Sat so it is now or never, or at least till the crap melts sometimes next week lol.

- taxes

OMG! I so want to kill Hubby over our stupid damn taxes!!


So last year we got back $1500 from Federal. Since I now work, I expected that total to drop, significantly even. How about it drops so much we now owe!! But not because my measly little $6K brought us up into a higher tax bracket. No. Because Hubby decided last year to change his W-4 so that we got more money on his paychecks to help us out (before I got this job). Dumbass, that's right, HIS DUMB ASS changed it to 6 dependents without realizing that was what he was doing.

So, now do we not get a refund, a refund we were depending on to pay our $500 vehicles taxes due in April, a refund we were depending on to use the left over from the car taxes to buy new, ALL WEATHER tires for our car/truck (my tires are regular, 4 year old tires). No, now we have to come up with the $500 for taxes, forget the new tires (maybe next year), AND now have to come up with $300 to pay the IRS. Eff my life!


Till next time ....

nursegirl February 04, 2014

Ugh! I get mad at my dh for not putting enough exemptions, but that would be worse! Much worse! I'm glad your birthday was nice and your child sounds very sweet!

OneSassyLadyNKY nursegirl ⋅ February 05, 2014

Last year, when he decided he would add an exemption, I was okay with that. I had no clue he would mess it up so bad that he claimed 6! We have ONE kid. ONE! Where did he come up with 6???? lol As any parent does, I think my kid ROCKS! lol She has her moments, like all pre-teens, but for the most part, I don't mind living with her. Ask me again in a year and I might have a different opinion lol

Deleted user February 04, 2014

Glad you got your bueaty sleep :)

OneSassyLadyNKY Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2014

Thank you! So am I! lol

JadedAngel68 February 04, 2014

The Thirsty Oriental February 05, 2014

Hooray for birthday orgasms!

OneSassyLadyNKY The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ February 05, 2014

Hooray! Now, why can't EVERY day be my birthday? lol

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