A very short visit. in A small but passable life.

  • Dec. 12, 2017, 11:24 a.m.
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There was a message on the answering machine Tuesday evening when Mom and I returned from playing Rummikub. My brother and his wife were here and that they’d found us not at home and they’d return in the morning.

Instead of waiting until the morning I talked Mom into getting back in the car and I drove us out the south gate and directly across the road where they had parked their house.

We visited for a bit and then came back home.

They were only here for slightly less than forty-eight hours. We managed to go out to eat once. And they took Mom for a drive up to Roosevelt lake and back. We went through the financial stuff once again. We found everything on track and copacetic.

They had planned on staying longer but there was some pressing business at their business they had to get back to. They had already been in El Cajon outside of San Diego at her sister’s for a month. There’s just some things running a business from a cell phone you can’t do.

Anyway, it was good seeing them. I think Mom really enjoyed it. She was just sad when they had to leave.

I’m sure they’ll be back before the really cold weather starts.

And speaking of weather. We’ve had nights now in the forties. Still not cold enough for socks or shoes. Just my old man slippers occasionally.

After a few days only in the low seventies it is supposed to warm up to 78 degrees today. I’m hoping to get back to the pool today.

Tomorrow Mom has an appointment with her lung doctor.

I had ordered three books from the library. One is ready to pick up.

So yeah, less than two weeks until Christmas and other than the lights I turn on every night, we’re just not feeling it here. Mom is trying to find somewhere we can go eat Christmas dinner. She’s thinking Village Inn. We’ll see.

I watched the latest two episodes of Mr. Robot and the latest episode of Shameless last night. Those shows just keep getting better.

I had been toying with the idea of buying some, maybe 100, Bitcoin back when it was less than $10 apiece. Now it is well above $10,000 per Bitcoin. I never was a gambler.

(Revision: I just checked. It is now over $17,000!)

I remember thinking about buying domain names before the internet went public. Then there was the offer to buy cell tower permits.

You just never know what gamble will pay off.

Maybe radiation badges and gas masks now?

Oh yeah, one share of Berkshire Hathaway is over a quarter million dollars now. I don’t even want to remember what it was when I was trying to buy a share.

Anyway, back to the current book.

Last updated December 12, 2017

Gilraent December 12, 2017

Emily December 13, 2017

Seems like you ought to be more of a gambler! Or at least pass along your good tips ;)

Deleted user December 28, 2017

I wish I had known :-(

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