Yeah sure, I'll get paid for free! in Stuff

  • March 30, 2017, 12:28 a.m.
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I’m home at just after 4pm, even though I was meant to work until 8pm.
We had the call come through from the area manager to shut the store at 5pm. Next thing I know, it’s been cut back to 4pm. That’s how much rain we’ve had dumped on us. It pretty much started before I went to bed last night and has been consistently heavy since. Debbie is really on her flow :P

There is a little bit of wind, but obviously now that it’s no longer a cyclone, we’re just copping the downpour from her. Andrew sent me a message this morning dismissing it as nothing because the BOM website claimed that Brisbane had had only 11ml. I was like, ‘Errrm, you might wanna call bullshit on that, because I can’t even see the grass in your backyard right now.”
Then he told me that amount had gone back to zero, so obviously that was wrong. It must be that much of a downpour that it’s blown out the BOM’s rain gauges lol.

And yet it’s still 95% humidity. It’s fucking unreal. That’s Brisbane for ya. I just got home and it is POURING now. Luckily I don’t live that far from work and can just walk there, but a lot of other staff called in ‘sick’ today. I was told my manager was there for 1 hour today before deciding he was going home, leaving me with all his work, yet again. I must admit that I’m surprised that he even came in at all, since I did his shift for him yesterday, I figured he’d just fake being sick to get a 4-day weekend.
And with the 4-hours less work today, I’m amazed I got as much done as I did! We’re definitely in for a lot of work tomorrow, that’s for sure, and that’s my shorter-day, so that’s gonna be fun. I’ll just do what I can.

So now I can catch up on some more Riverdale :D

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