Family of 3 in 2016.... in Watching Life Fly By

  • Dec. 31, 2016, 12:49 p.m.
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Praying we will be a family of 4 in 2017. Still not pregnant unless I’m like 2 days pregnant. praying.

Chloe is fantastic. She had a set back with her toilet use…she was in underwear all day except when leaving the house but the babysitter got overwhelmed with a new child starting and she went into pull-ups a little too much. She had 5-6 accidents a day and no toilet use for 2-3 weeks. We got her back on track and she’s been 3 or 4 days without accidents and in underwear 85% of the day or more. I told the sitter when she returns Tuesday, she is to be in underwear unless she is asleep. I hope the sitter follows through. I am fine with accidents if they are true accidents and not because adults (sitter, myself or Mike) are being lazy. Her grandmother is the worst…she will keep Chloe is a pull-up the entire visit and won’t even offer to let her use the bathroom. She is that way because my niece is older and refuses to even sit on a toilet so Chloe cannot be ahead of her daughter’s child. I hate that Chloe lives 20 minutes from my MIL & FIL yet the other two grandkids live 8+ hrs and are more special.
Chloe’s talking wonderfully. She’s finally taking an interest in reading (I’ve read to her since she was in the hospital at birth), she is learning colors, shapes, letters and numbers. She still refuses to sing most children’s songs. She use to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and Patty Cake…now she will do just Patty Cake but can sing most country songs and Adele songs. She got a tablet and is learning to use it with minor frustrations.

Mike is good. He had a man cold so he was a mess for a week. I made him take antibiotics I had for the dog. It helped a ton.

Looking forward to 2017. Praying it’s a year for family expansion and positive energy.

The Thirsty Oriental January 01, 2017

Happy new year! Chloe is how old, again? Potty training is tough, sometimes...

Best of luck for an addition in 2017!

Sleeping on it The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ January 01, 2017

She was 2 at the end of August. She's been in underwear since the end of June except for her set back a few weeks ago.

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