Bagels - 3/3/2007 in 2005 - 2007: High School

  • Aug. 16, 2013, 8:29 p.m.
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Well, I got a job.

The job is at Brueggers. I managed to get it because all the goths that used to work there quit. All of them. They hired me because I am eighteen and have bagel experience.

When I told Bonnie about the job, she said, "Livvia says she left there because there was a prostitution ring running out of it."

"Oh," I said. "I did not know that. Thanks, Bonnie." She laughed.

At a jazz band, I told Dave. "So, apparantly there is or used to be a prostitution ring running out ot where I got a job."

"Oh yeah, Brueggers? You didn't know that?"

"Uh, no. How do you know it?"

"It was in the newspaper. Well that and... Uh..." He shifted his eyes around.

There was a pause. "So, you got a job at Brueggers, eh?" he said, elbowing me.

"Shut up."

I went to the job today and yesterday. Here is what it is like: It is exactly the same as my old job, except much better. No one is a bitch. There are not specific ways to do everything that do not even make sense. They give me lots of hours. They let me ask for days off. They pay me eight dollars. I can walk from my house, and it is near the library, which is a useful place for it to be. Training does not last four months. Really, I'm starting to wonder why I didn't notice that the old Bagel Store sucked so bad.

The highest up the chain of command seems to go is to a middle aged woman with a heavy southern accent named Pat. I have a hard time understanding a lot of what she says, and she thinks it's because my hearing isn't great. (Actually, I'm starting to think my hearing isn't great, which makes me pretty panicky. Going deaf is one of my worst fears.) Pat has so far been very nice to me, nicer even than Mora was. I am pretty sure that she is in charge of everything. If she were in charge of everything, that would be really nice.

I have spent a lot of time at the library lately. I will probably be spending a lot more time at the library as a result of the job. I took Ghost World out of the library, upon Artificial Messiah's reccomendation. I liked it a lot. I liked that it portrayed life the way it is: as a series of dumb little events and random observations under which larger issues lurk sometimes. I liked that it talked about becoming an adult, and things ending. I fantasized for a while about leaving it somewhere where Molly would find it. As an appology or sorts, or something that would make her understand, or something. But it was from the library. And she would know it was me.

Well, I am fixing the Molly thing. I am forgetting about it. We are hanging out tonight.

It is rumored that Malcolm might quit my band. I am very worried about that. That could ruin me. My senioritis is progressing at an alarming rate. And I need to practice more. And I am a big slacker who will never amount to anything. But I have a job, and working makes me feel good because it is very simple, and you don't really have to think, just enough to remember a list of vegetables for thirty seconds. And it is cool and rainy out and the air feels nice.

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