other things that have happened. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Dec. 14, 2016, 5:03 a.m.
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um. so on sun. valerie i go together. oh she’s heard of ‘it’s a wonderful life’ which is surprising since she hadn’t heard of cvs or didn’t know what a venus flytrap was or who agatha christie was. i either think people are as intelligent as I am or that they’re.not. she’s not stupid exactly it’s that i’m really intelligent. and i have high standards. and so i’ve gotten used to that and so i feel like i have to explain to her who people/things are. and i don’t like that. i’m used to not having to explain things to people. if they want to know they’ll ask. like i think a lot of people don’t know who eva peron was/is but a lot of people know who madonna is...........and madonna played her. [well maybe some people don’t know who eva peron was/is]. anyway. also my family’s quite intelligent.
ok so that was sun. oh so on Mon. I went to the home depot area and got liquor. well shooters really. 2. which i still haven’t had but 1’s for new yr’s. so. and i um. oh i also got cheese sticks at safeway which used to be albertson’s. and hot chocolate at the um Starbucks there. yeah the lady didn’t give me the rest of my change and i’m like waiting. like um i think you owe me more money miss. and her boss is like ‘and the ones on the counter’ and the lady’s oh i thought i gave it to her. it’s ok i’ve done that. well not that exact thing but. I think so vividly about a movie/tv show/other that I think i’ve told someone about it even if/when i haven’t. and so then i wonder why the hell they don’t know and i’m always surprised when ‘oh i didn’t tell you?’
yeah so when I had my hot chocolate I sat and watched the news. and my parents were probably doing that exact same thing. either we have dinner right when the news starts or we have it at 5:20. i don’t like having dinner right when the hr. begins.
oh so. right I only have 1 winter hat at my mom’s. well it was so damn cold last wk. that I affixed my hood of my winter coat to my winter coat. and had that on over my hat. the fedora i mean. but i don’t like hoods cause I can’t see out of my periphs and that tends to drive me crazy. this is also the reason i don’t like wide brim hats er wearing them i mean. also i wear 5 coats when it gets so damn cold. but then I have my purse and that pulls the layers including the affixed hood and i don’t like that. although........
right so on that note the hat one. so right before we actually got to winterfest there were these 2 ladies dressed as elves. and they were handing out hats and candy canes. and my sister got a hat and I also wanted one. but i didn’t know she had gotten 2 and I saw one of the ladies close the container and i’m like ‘i want a hat’ and my sister’s ‘i have 2’ or something and i’m oh sorry. i didn’t know.
oh yeah so winterfest. well it’s the first yr. they’ve had it. it was on fillmore plaza. They had music and cookies and ice sculptures and a guy carving. and coffee. there wasn’t much to see so we didn’t stay long. oh and they had police guys on horses. police intimidate me actually which is a reason i wouldn’t go to them for anything. [well they’re supposed to but i don’t think that helps. it’s not a good relationship. no it really.isn’t]. but these ones were nice. i used to like horses a lot but i don’t as much. i mean i don’t not like them or anything. but they’re not like cats which i love. my sister said hi to a bassett cause.she loves dogs. I’ll say hi to dogs if there aren’t people by them. except for once over the summer a blonde lady and her pittbull. idinno pitbulls make me uncomfortable. they make me sad actually. nothing against anyone who has one. and small dogs scare me cause they look so damn breakable. if I were to get a dog [which i’m not but like hypothetically if i were] I’d get a big mellow one. like maybe a husky. also they’re so pretty. or a st. bernard or bernese mountain dog. moreso a bernese they look loving. i get those 2 confused. i like golden retrievers enough but for some reason i wouldn’t get one. apparently back when I had my surgery [i had teeth/mouth surgery. this was 10 yrs. ago now] and I was recovering there was a therapy dog named Sophie which i don’t remember at all. I only know this cause my mom told me. um...........but yeah winterfest. growing up a er someone in the neighborhood had a basset. named Martha. and now i call them ‘martha dogs’ cause of that. and there’s a lady in the neighborhood who i’ve seen twice now who has a martha dog. she’s lemon and her name is Lily. the bassett i mean. also i can’t stand it when people talk down to their dogs as though they’re 2. [and some dogs are 2]. i talk to dogs/children like they’re my equals which is another reason i don’t want either. cause i don’t want to turn into that person. from my observations people don’t do that w/ cats. yeah um i was watching the movie ‘snow’ recently on abcfamily or w/e the movie’s called. the one about the son of santa clause. and the zookeeper lady talked down to an elephant. which is why i stopped watching it.
So yrs. ago my parents had a tenant by the name of Ricardo. nice guy from texas hispanic. well he’s apparently recently moved back. well maybe a yr. ago they got a new tenant Dennis. pro soccer player 23 - 26 from costa rica went to school in virgina. nice guy. well the few times i’ve seen him he’s been nice. well so Ricardo said hi to my mom some.where. well so then dennis came to the door and my mom’s ‘hi ricardo’. i think she just had that in her head and also Dennis and Ricardo are both hispanic. Dennis was ok about it. but now my mom will just say hello to him.
oh so some time ago I was walking back to my mom’s after being out and it was around 4 p.m. well their other tenant Travis who I met last xmas or xmas eve was getting stuff out of his car. and i saw him and was about to go the other way as i’m a people avoider but then he saw me and it’s like ‘great. now i have to say something to you so you don’t think i’m leaving bc of you’. [which well i was. er going to. not cause of him in particular but cause of.well like i said]. he’s a perfectly nice person. i don’t know much about him other than he’s maybe 40 divorced and is quite.
oh so on that note the one about running into people. well when we were at the store um Thurs. my mom & I ran into Helen G. remember awhile back when i posted about running into that mom of a classmate of mine? well if you don’t I did at the airport over the summer. my sister & I ran into her. her son Jeff at the time was getting married. nice guy and he always was nice. no wait she told me that back in like feb. or something. er that he was getting married. and i told her he was always nice to me and she goes ‘well you were always nice to him’ which i don’t remember at all but that’s good.er that i was nice to him i mean. well her sister Helen was the one we ran into. what a nice lady. yeah i just keep running into that family. like 4 maybe 5 yrs. ago now my mom & I ran into the mom at the Lily Tomlin show downtown.well by downtown. i love miss tomlin she’s just wonderful. and she’s so real too. she was in that movie ‘admissions’ w/ tina fey and she was the best part. so honest in her roles. oh so funny story. on Sun. valerie & I were talking about witner events and she’s ‘did you go to the parade of lights?’ and i’m ‘there was a parade, of lights?’ thinkingof the blossoms thingy at the gardens. oh the parade of lights oh yeah! that.thing. no we never go. also it would be so damn cold.
right so like i mentioned my sister & I went to Subway on Fri. when she gets to my mom’s she’s ‘i was thinking we’d go to subway’ and i’m ‘ok’. for awhile there I was deciding where we went and then i decided to let her.um decide. well the reason i didn’t want to go to that particular Subway was cause they changed the staff. and that staff i didn’t like cause they were authoritative and intimidating. well but then they changed the staff again and i like them better.
on the cold note. i forget that most people drive cause when I’m at the mall and I see people who aren’t bundled up i’m thinking ‘aren’t you cold?’ well moreso w/ ladies. but another reason i wear layers is cause i’m massively self conscious and so I think every lady should be that way. yeah i wear a coat in the summer [well a raincoat type thing] and a lady at Whole Foods was ‘aren’t you hot?’ no. people don’t seem to factor in that i’m small. no i love summer cause it’s so warm out. but people and their weird ac. i will never have ac on. it doesn’t need to be winter when it’s summer. no it should feel like.summer. yeah at a meeting over the summer the ac had gone out and that was brought up and Laura goes ‘do you have a fan?’ and i said ‘no’. but then at some point later i realised she meant a ceiling fan. i’d just never heard it referred to as ‘a fan’. i was picturing a standing fan when she said that. yeah no i won’t use those cause they make me dizzy. and i don’t like having the windows open cause of the outside noise. um.........anyway. coats. when i’m at my mom’s I walk everywhere. but it’s kindof annoying cause then i get warm and the only place I have to put my coats is my grocery bags. btw i haven’t gone to bath bodyworks in some time. cause of the greeter thing. and my whole thing w/ not being approached. and also i don’t need that during the holidays. it’s been nice not going. yeah when I was at Safeway Mon. I was by the deli and the lady goes ‘can i help you w/ something?’ or something. well now you can’t now that you’ve asked. i’ve never bought anything at the deli there and that’s a reason why.
oh so it’s cold in my room. well i think it is but part of that is my ginormous bed is by the window which is a reason I still want to move it.er the bed i mean. but they won’t let me do that by myself and i.won’t ask for help. [like i really ‘need’ help to move a 20 - 30 lb. bed when i’ve carried about 50 lbs. of groceries by myself. i only look small]. no um i just won’t ask for help. so when i’m under my covers I’m perfectly warm but the room isn’t which is a reason i never want to get up. i’m also usually colder then everyone else. my mom’s isn’t warm exactly it’s just.well it’s like London in that it’s less cold. cause at my mom’s they have carpeting in the bedrooms unlike at my house. people and their noncarpeted floors. i don’t like it. i’d rather have a place be comfortable and where if you drop something on the floor it’s quiet then.the other kind. although part of it is my anxiety and part of it is sounds. There are certain sounds I hate. like cardboard on cement. or glass jars on um counters. or cords/power strips on wood floors. not that i have it this way and i just recently learned this. but apparently it’s not good to plug radiators into power strips. i’m a big believer in power strips. although a sound I’ve found I like actually.is when i’m walking and i’m walking on tile floors and my snowboots are on. yeah i like that which is another reason i’ll wear my snoowboots. it’s almost that click click sound. and also they’re really cute. [well i think they are]. I have slippers but they’re the annoying kind so that’s a reason i don’t wear them. by which i mean they’re the boots kind. also when the lady wears her slippers in the kitchen they make this almost terrible scraping sound and i hate that. the trash can my mom has in her kitchen is like that. it’s one of those auto ones and it makes this horrendous scraping sound when it’s opened/closed. and that’s a reason i don’t have other slippers as of yet. when I was at some store the other day I saw a guy wearing gray uggs. i wouldn’t want uggs [or unlined leather boots actually. for obvious reasons] cause i’d think they’d be bitch to get on and off. cause like they don’t have a fastener. er closure type thing. they don’t have zippers or the loop string button kind thingy i think those are called hook and eye.probably.
oh so on Sat. the lady had her grandchildren over they’re over every few months. they’re teenagers so they’re loud. they’re nice though. My mom met them. she’s more interactive than i am but i’m also one of the least interactive people I know when it comes to um people. I’ll like er acknowledge them and say hi but that’s it. also i’m not obligated to interact w/ them. so again lot of people. and speaking as an introvert. well too many people for this introvert. oh so Jennifer’s been out of town for like a wk. which has been really nice since i’m not the biggest fan of her. not cause something big happened but.well she’s challenging to be around. we don’t talk and i don’t know that.like she could actually hold a conversation. she’s pretty quiet we get along. i also think the lady and her husband are a lot more comfortable when Jennifer’s out of town. they get to experience being around just me and each other more. and i want people to be comfortable around me. and i think they are which is interesting cause i’m not v. comfortable around a lot of people. well.
oh yeah so ‘hairspray’ was really good. seeing it at an older age than i had previously I understand it a bit more. The most powerful scene was when they were walking w/ the protest signs. it was so enjoyable. the whole thing. and i love ‘i know where i’ve been’. i love blues and that song omygod. everyone in the movie was a bit nutty. my mom enjoyed it. It was about someone who was different and i relate to that. my mom growing up would watch ‘american bandstand’ and listen to w/e was on the radio that was popular. and Firestein was in it and i like him. he has something to do w/ the show la cage which i liked when i saw it.
oh yeah so i saw alyssa the other day. that was it in that I literally saw her. alyssa is a mall patron i met maybe a yr. ago. and now most of the times she’s seen me she’s said hi. she um. oh so when I saw her the other day she was wearing glasses which she does not look good in. not that it’s my place to say as I barely know her. some people just don’t look good in glasses.or makeup. i don’t wear makeup but i apparently don’t need to according to evan. oh evan....... actually i’ve seen alyssa twice recently and neither time we’ve spoken which i’m just fine w/. she’s tiny she’s smaller than i am. i mean she’s not that much smaller than i am [or shorter she’s about 5‘2 and i’m 5‘4] she’s just so thin. The reasons why aren’t my business. like i’m small but my size goes er up or down depending. I think of her as ‘ariel’ cause there’s a woman Ariel in my mom’s choir [well ok again. not my mom’s choir the..........the choir she’s in] who alyssa somewhat resembles. alyssa actually once referred to me as ‘chloe’. which is ok but i’m so not a chloe. i’m a lily or a christine or a mary. [actually someone once referred to me as ‘mary’. and ‘pam’............and ‘em’ ‘hannah’..............and almost alice once. anyway]. [if i weren’t anne. which i am]. said ‘ann’ like anne boleyn. or anne braden or anne sexton or anne of green gables or. well you get it. btw it’s not short for anything it’s just anne.

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