26. PB Survey Type Thing in Survey Says

  • Oct. 31, 2016, 9:24 a.m.
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What country do you call home? Do you like it? Any plans to defect? If you could live anywhere in the world and didn’t have the usual constraints (e.g. family, work), where would you choose?

I actually do like it a lot. Like everywhere else it has its drawbacks, but I mean overall it’s very nice. I get to be naive about the world because I live in Small Town Canada™ where literally nothing really bad seems to happen. We’re not at the Stars Hollow level of community, but there’s a definitive world sheltered feeling living here.

No… the town where I live isn’t quite defective enough to make me defect.

I honestly don’t know where else I’d live. I’m open to a lot of places, but I should probably visit there first. Specifically those without giant bugs that want to, and will, kill me. The less that fly the better too.

What brought you to Prosebox? How did you hear about the site? How long have you been a member?
I’m pretty sure someone messaged me saying that OpenDiary was shutting down. At that point I made sure to save all my entries from there and pretty much all the people I was friends with on that site told me they had moved to ProseBox. I was going through a really hard time in my life and wasn’t sure I was even going to blog/diary anymore, but I’m really glad I did, and I’m especially grateful that I am able to keep up with so many of the same people.

Do you use the site for anything other than keeping a journal/diary? What do you find yourself writing about the most?
I use this site as a means of communication. I communicate with people I’ve gotten close with by reading their literal lives. I communicate with strangers to reach a broader view of the world and issues I seek knowledge on. Yes I blog/diary here, but to a much greater extent this is my little section of the world where thoughts are put out there with hopes that I get other thoughts back in return.

What features do you enjoy and use the most on the site?
This probably seems simple to some, but I too have a simple mind (see what I did thar? Har har), I love the ability to have multiple Books. The organization freak in me (do not reference my bedroom floor when I say this) loves being able to have specific entries in specific books. It’s just neater this way darn it!

If you could get any Prosebox feature you wanted for Christmas, what would it be?
What is funny here is one of the features I miss now from OD is something I never even used before. I remember there being forums, and I miss having a place to go to and talk about specific things with users. But when it comes down to it (or down to brass tacks is it?), I guess there are sites for those specific purposes. So maybe I don’t want anything at all :P

I’d like to think I’m pretty easy going afterall.

Do you have a favorite entry you’ve posted here? If you could point to anything you’ve written as being your purest essence, what would it be?
Most recently I could point to all the entries that I wrote about (I think there are 6 in total?) that document the birth of my baby girl. I say this not because I’m a doting mother now, but because it was the most recent life changing experience that has really brought about the person I am now.

Once upon a time I had written a poem and posted it to OD, and I would say that is my purest essence of my overall being… but it isn’t posted here so it just doesn’t count!

Are you regularly expanding your Bookmarks/Friends list, or it is fairly fixed and you’re already content and established with your current readers? Do you regularly browse the front page for new people to read?
I keep a pretty regular list of Bookmarks right now, but it does fluctuate once in awhile. I’m kind of a terrible reader/commenter right now simply because life has been so busy I don’t get the time. That will all change though and I will become better.

I do regularly browse the front page. I will always do a quick look to see if there is someone there looking for information/advice on perhaps something I actually know about (gasp!). Or perhaps someone just needs to see the word hugs, and that’s okay too!

What advice would you give to someone new to the site who is trying to gain friends and readers?
It sounds trite, but absolutely 100% be your honest self. That’s the only way to attract the kind of readers you will want.
Do not fear the judgers or the haters because there are block/delete buttons for that.

Also please don’t make your entries one entire paragraph. You know, unless they’re only like 6 sentences or so. Sure that’s a personal preference, but remember that I’m just being my 100% honest self ;)

Ferret Mom October 31, 2016

I always like seeing how people answer the question what Prosebox feature would you like to have.

Gilraent November 01, 2016


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