Hoping for a quiet week in At the foot of the hill

  • Sept. 19, 2016, 4:32 p.m.
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California cousins in town for a few days. They got in Thursday night but didn’t contact us until Friday afternoon. They were staying in a hotel near the airport, called and invited us to dinner. They came here and we went to Olive Garden. Then they came back to the house for coffee and more visiting until it got dark. Then they had that excruciating drive back out to the airport… They spent Saturday with cousins on the other side of his family…
Sunday was the memorial for our mutual cousin at the senior community where she and her husband spent the last five or six years of their lives. Her husband died in January and she actually died in June. Their kids are scattered. One in Oregon, one in Boston, one in Virginia and one in England. It was a huge task to get all the ends tied up here…in fact the eldest daughter told me yesterday that she still has three storage units to clean out. It isn’t just “stuff”. It’s valuable and important stuff that has to be looked at piece by piece.
Calif. cousins fly back west today.
Actually, there was another California cousin there. The brother of the deceased. He is pretty much of a jerk, never married, hates kids and relatives…afraid they are all after his money.... Thought I was my sister.... I don’t expect to ever see him again.
Looking at my calendar, I don’t see much going on. Just the card games here in the building until Friday when I will have to take Papa to the eye doctor and an open house party to celebrate the 90th birthday for an old friend. Following week doesn’t look too bad either. I’m looking forward to reading a book or two, and maybe some nice afternoon naps!
Today would have been my very BFF’s birthday. Love you Norma and have been missing you for 19 years....

Last updated September 19, 2016

ChallengerSeven September 19, 2016

Nothing like 'family', huh?

Only my mom is left from her generation (pre-WWII), and she turns 91 this October!

Books...and naps!!! Yay for both! :-)

cardslinger September 19, 2016

Why are families so weird sometimes?
Naps and books sound great!

middle age pearl September 21, 2016

Hope you get book reading time next week. O read about an hour today and it was wonderful.

crystal butterfly September 21, 2016

MageB September 21, 2016

I approve of your naps. :)

aunty EM MageB ⋅ September 22, 2016

Thank you.

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