More arse-crack than a plumber in Stuff
- Aug. 9, 2016, 2:09 a.m.
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I just did the domestic usual crap today, so nothing to really report other than the boring chores of everyday life (washing cleaning folding clothes blah blah blah, life’s so exciting!)
I think I might avoid the EKKA this year. I quite enjoyed going by myself last year, and yeah I’d love to go and see the kittens and the amazing cakes, but I doubt I will. I’m doing well paying down my debt and I don’t really need to blow $100 on a day at the show. I can say I’ve been.
My housemate got home and walked into my room to show me some guy who apparently lives over on the street next to ours who wanted him to go over and fuck him. He just asked me if I knew him, which I didn’t. He didn’t look that hot. My housemate was concerned that the guy’s profile said ‘large’ as his body type, so I asked how tall he was, so I had some perspective, and he was 1cm shorter than I am, so i figured it would have been okay. I just think my housemate is really attractive and can really get a guy more on his level, but I was surprised he was even talking to me about fucking another guy, as he seems to rarely do so. He was like, “Doing a tall guy would look so weird”, and I replied, “Who CARES what it looks like!” and he laughed lol. Geez it’s not like he’s filming a porno. I wish I’d remembered to say that last part lol.
And I was impressed that he had walked into my room to ask my opinion. He hasn’t done that before :) Maybe we are getting along more authentically?
All I did today was go and get some groceries and when I got home I ate the two shittiest things I bought, which was a bag of chips and a packet of mint slices, which I watched whilst finally watching the free movie that Google Play provided back in March. It’s an animated film called “Bling” and it gave me a couple of cheap laughs, namely lines like, “The better the ring, the better the man” and one other line like it that I can’t remember. I was just thinking, ‘Way to go showing this shit to little kids lol’
So yep, bravo Matt on eating that crappy food! I did also have a packet of strawberries with it and some juice but I doubt that helped lol.
Then I had a nap because I felt so tired when I was at the shops for some reason, and woke up feeling like absolute shit. I never learn. Of course I felt like shit. There was nothing nutritional in either of those things!
The rest of the food I bought was pretty nutritional, but since I had a nap, it’s now already midnight and I’ll probably be up most of the night.
I’m just watching the Olympics. How good are the U.S. men’s swimming team? Just unreal.
The men’s water polo was on just before in a match between Serbia and Greece, and holy cow those guys have good bodies. I also saw more arse-crack than a plumber and was thankful for some of those camera angles. Not complaining. I am such a perve lol.
I just wish they showed more of the diving! That’s what I’m hanging out for.
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