Did well in Stuff

  • June 18, 2016, 6:35 a.m.
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This entry is boring as fuck lol.

Today was a pretty screwed shift at work, namely because the dock guy was sick. He wasn’t even there when I rocked up, but I just assumed he must have slept in. There was a new store manager on who I hadn’t seen before, and she was asking me heaps of questions all day, like, ‘Is this a usual common thing?” but I stood up for him, saying, “No, he’s usually always here.”
Then she kept getting me to call her and asked who she could call to come in to replace him, and I told her a few names but I didn’t know the last names of the people. I didn’t even know who a lot of the people were! lol. Anyway, no-one rang back. I had to do the work of about three people today, but I did well, unloading numerous trucks, filling milks, LTO’s, marking a shitload of milk down. The media here has made milk sales go to shit, since farmer’s apparently aren’t making any profits from the cheap milk we sell, but the weirdest thing is that the cheap milk is still selling. It’s the branded milk that I’m having to mark down cartons and cartons of. I had to throw out eight crates of it today too, which is going to go to shit when management see the stock-write off report. Ergh, can’t really do much about it. I did however salvage 12 crates, but I’m sure they won’t focus on that, will they? It seemed to go out the door when I made all the 3L milks down to 90 cents each lol.
Luckily the other grocery chick rocked up, even though she was an hour and a half late lol. Geez people.
I was literally running around like a headless chook. The store manager chick was nice and helpful though, filling both the ice and one of the LTO cages for me.
I hope to God that my manager is in tomorrow. I found out that he’s apparently had the entire week off sick. I thought it was just the day he asked me to start early for him. Nope.
The store manager chick gave me a nice compliment today though. She said, “You really work your arse off, don’t you?”
That was nice. I acted non-challant though and replied, “I always do.” Then I added, “It makes the day go faster.” She seemed to agree with me.
Anyway, proud of how much I got done, considering. One of the pallets just about fell off and exploded as I was trying to take it off the top, because the warehouse people didn’t wrap the base of it properly and it collapsed under the weight. Luckily I spotted it and got the truck driver to help me remove some of the weight from the top of it, and then all was good.
I’m expecting to come into a mess tomorrow though. Nightfill have a lot of stock to try and fill. I’m just doing my usual hours though, as far as I know so far.

I got my groceries delivered tonight. I went to have a shower and was in there before I realized I was expecting the truck to arrive. There’s a window period when it is due to arrive, but I hadn’t checked the tracking on the website, so I was sure that the damn thing would arrive whilst I was in the shower, so it was very rushed. Then I had to wait about another 45 minutes anyway once I got out.
They’ve given me some extra stuff though for free, so I must’ve had a nice shopper.
Ended up being a pretty good day. One more shift to go before my ‘weekend’ :)

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