Life is like a bowl of soup in Stuff

  • June 5, 2016, 10:43 a.m.
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Probably my favourite status that I saw on Facebook today.

Today was absolutely fucked at work. No other way to put it. I’m just thankful that it was a Sunday shift and I was getting paid extra for it, because mighty me.
I don’t know that the hell Nightfill were doing last night, but they left us with like 6 pallets that weren’t even touched, so my entire shift was filling that shit and i didn’t even get to touch the investigations. Oh well, looks like it’s up to my manager to do. I don’t care. I’m on my weekend now :D

I almost considered wearing my skins in the gym again haha, but I didn’t. I did initially put them on, because I love how they look on me, but I changed into the shorts that I remembered to throw in the bag. After all, the only reason I wore the skins last time is because they were all I had. The gym was quite busy this afternoon too, so I would’ve been self-conscious. If the gym is quiet, or even better, if I’m the only one there, I’ll totally wear them again.
I took a selfie of myself shirtless in the mirror wearing the skins, but I’m not happy with it so I’m not sharing it in a public entry.
You know how most gym-guys are usually hot above the hips with chicken legs below? Well I seem to be the opposite. My height makes it difficult for my elongated body to gain strength and definition. I’m being a bit hard on myself though, since I’ve only really been going back for a week after being sick for all that time.

I’m still laughing at Josh’s response to my skins Snapchat that I sent when I forgot my shorts. He sends back a reply saying, “Less talk more inches Matthew”. I literally burst out laughing on the spot. I might one day. I’ve seen his arse pics, so I guess it’s only fair. But there’s not really much point now that he lives in Sydney.

I sent a few Snapchats on my breaks at work today. I took all of them because the day was just screwed and I needed something to cheer me up.
Today was an absolutely glorious day here in Brisbane. A complete opposite from the delude of water that was dumped on us yesterday. We had something like 150ml and were spared potential major damage, but areas on the Gold Coast had double that. NSW is currently copping it tonight and then it’s heading down to Tazzie before heading back out to the Tasman Sea. It looks like it’s going around Victoria, the lucky bastards lol.

Anyway, here’s some of my snaps. It was really windy haha.
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Why can’t I naturally style my hair like that? The wind was my stylist :D
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Unfortunately, I didn’t pass by that gorgeous hunk-of-Adonis-jogger that ran by me this time last Sunday afternoon/evening when I was walking home. I was so hopeful :( I could have got the timing wrong, or maybe it was just a once-off. I wanted to declare my love for him :P
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And me when I got home
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