Where does my food come from? in Stuff
- May 16, 2016, 9:09 p.m.
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I forgot that I took a photo of my Rapid Test result whilst the guy was out of the room lol. I figured it was a pretty big moment.
I’m off to see a movie again tonight. I can’t believe that test was a week ago already. Time just flies, I tells ya!
This time I’m gonna see ‘Bad Neighbours 2’. I saw the first one and it was pretty funny, and pretty sure any excuse to see Zac Efron with his shirt off is a good one. I don’t know if Vish is coming anymore, I think he’s being difficult, so I sent him a text saying “I’ll be going whether you’re there or not’ and he replies with, ‘good.’
Oooooo snappy queen today I see!
I invited Angelo yesterday though, so I hope he still turns up. He couldn’t make it last week. If not I’ll just ask James and if he stays home with Vish I’ll just go see it myself. No big deal. I see movies by myself all the time. It’s never been a real big issue when I don’t have a big circle of friends. I only really have the few tiny ones to begin with lol, and when either of those are in their moods (male PMS), I’m just like, ‘well stuff ya’s, I’ll go anyway!’
I’m feeling mostly better. I went for a big walk yesterday for about 4 hours and it was so nice in the sun. This weather outside is still absolutely amazing. 28 degrees today and we’re so close to Winter. Kind of crazy. And they say Global Warming isn’t real LOL.
I’ll be amazed to see what sort of temperatures we’re dealing with when I’m like 80 years old. If I make it that far :P
But then last night I had another coughing fit. No idea what brought that on but it was damn annoying. I keep telling myself it’s the last of the night-time bug fucking itself off out of my system. Yes placebo effect, do your thing!
Speaking of placebo effects, I was watching this segment on supplements on Four Corners and about how scientists have proven up to 88% of certain products aren’t what they are advertised as. Kind of scary. They get away with it because it isn’t regulated like prescription vitamins need to be. Some of the ones tested has NONE of the ingredients advertised on the side of the bottle. Christ. It makes me wonder how many dodgy ones we stock at my work. We sure sell a lot. They also stated how many people are taking WAY too much of certain supplements (Vitamin D and E) which can cause liver damage and that a lot of Fish Oil products are ‘oxygenized’ and therefore dangerous. Pretty interesting. A lot of the TV Doctors like DR. Oz etc were recommending viewers to take WAY more than the safe levels of Vitamin D etc.
Doctors noticed there was a spike in liver failure cases in Hawaii during 2013 and it was linked back to a diet pill product. It was something to do with one ingredient they’d included in their product. Kind of scary, given how many diet products there are out there! If all it takes is one added ingredient to cause liver failure!
My Facebook memories reminded me that it was 4 whole years ago now that I went and saw the naturalist doctor. It still crosses my mind what he told me. That upon reviewing all of my blood tests, it seemed to him like one of my kidney’s could potentially fail or be failing. Naturally, that sent alarm bells off within my mind. But I’ve had no other indications otherwise, from other doctors, blood tests etc. I’ve had no history of that in my family that I am aware of. I guess my body would tell me if I had a failed kidney.
It made me wonder about the one supplement I’ve been taking lately, which are Zinc tablets. They are advertised as being beneficial to skin (hmmm maybe), immunity (HA!) and men’s health (I do agree with this one), but I only take one a day and that’s if I remember to lol (the ‘recommended dose is one tablet twice a day) so I’m taking half of that. There is actually a warning on the label that states, “WARNING: Contains zinc which may be dangerous if taken in large amounts or for long periods.” So I guess this company is covering it’s arse. How long is a ‘long period’?
It could be placebo effect, but man it makes me hornier than usual. Couple that with gym and it’s a pretty good combination libido-wise (tip for your men, ladies!).
I also watched a show on SBS last night about where Australia’s seafood comes from, and how dodgy the practice is. A lot of it comes from Thailand where people make money off of dodgy practices out of huge ‘fish food’ factories. The lady owner allowed the camera inside only after learning the reporter wasn’t working for the authorities LOL. Geeez. And then we all all this stuff going on.
The host even went as far as to find out if any Australian companies use sustainable fish practices, of which he only found one seafood place in Sydney that offered TSE (A very tough regulator of sustainable seafood practices) seafood products. The main problem is that food in Australia by law needs to state where it has come from. If you go to the seafood or the produce section at my work, each product will state this. But once the fish has been bought and has gone to a cafe or restaurant, they need only advertise it as “Fish and chips” or “Flake”, and that’s all they have to do. Somewhere between raw food and cooked food, the laws change, and Australian consumers are none of the wiser on where their food’s come from, or how it was caught.
Anyway, just thought that was a bit interesting :)
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