Putting up a good fight in Stuff
- April 15, 2016, 8:45 a.m.
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I made it to work today, somehow. I’m better than yesterday I guess.
For some stupid reason I was awake from about 3:30am though. I do remember hearing some alarm go off somewhere in the distance, shortly followed by the sound the raring fire-truck sirens, so I’m sure that means I wasn’t the only one awake at that hour, as I assume people would have been evacuated from their apartment building somewhere nearby.
I texted Vish, as a joke, as he’s been known to set off the fire alarms in his complex, more than once. I was surprised to get a reply, stunned that he was awake. He just told me to get some rest, cos he’s pretty much been the only friend I’ve been bitching to in real life besides you guys.
I tried to go back to sleep, but it didn’t really work. When 5am rolled around, I just got up and made breakfast. I’d added my doona to my bed last night so I think that helped keep my chest warmer, and I only sweated a little bit. I certainly couldn’t do that when I first had the fever two weeks back.
The store manager was nice and did a lot of my job for me today. He even didn’t let me do my usual stuff because it was all freezer and chiller-based work today and he wanted me to stay out of the coldrooms whilst I’m still sick. I did however initially have to go in there to grab stock first thing in the morning, but I wore a protective jacket in both coolrooms. Still didn’t help the cough though. The grocery manager was surprised to see me there, as she wasn’t expecting me in. I was like, ‘Yeah I shouldn’t be’, but I don’t wanna use up all my sick-pay in case I have more days like yesterday where I do feel like I’m going to have to write my last will and rights before I cark it.
Anyway, the shift went rather quick (woohoo!) and I took off outta there. It had been raining and the air smelled so nice and fresh, so I took a few deep inhales which was nice. Then of course all the traffic going along Turbot street ruined that, but it was nice while it lasted, and the rain had stopped so I could walk home without being drenched.
I stopped in at the pharmacy and got the last of my prescription filled, so I’m glad I was on top of that and don’t have to worry about finding an open chemist over the weekend now. This fucker of a thing needs to go, “Na-Ow”!
I always try to imitate Chi-Chi’s accent from this season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, you know, cos that deep southern American accent is hilarious. I hope Naomi does well. Man he’s an attractive guy!
My tooth on the right side is still pissing me off. I accidentally bite down on that side too hard and I get a shooting pain, but when I feel around in there with my finger to find out which tooth it is, there’s no reaction. I think the sharpness from one of my upper teeth must be digging into one of the fillings I had done, because that’s all I can think of. I’ve rescheduled the dentist for next Wednesday and I’m just hoping like crazy I’ll stop coughing enough by then to attend this time.
My room looks quite good all cleaned with a bit of space to move now. I replaced a broken lightbulb and my fan has decided to miraculously start working again, somehow. Devine intervention? I swear I was sitting all the remote buttons a few days ago and it was like, “Nup, fuck you, I’m staying on,” but now it’s off it’s period.
My libido is back too I’ve noticed. The porn sites have returned to fruition. That went haywire the past two weeks, so I guess it’s a good sign that’s coming back.
This cough however is putting up a damn good fight. I’m very tempted to skull the 1.5 litre bottle of duty-free vodka in the pantry that I bought upon returning to Australia. Surely that’s gotta kill off whatever’s lurking in there.
I’m wary of the hangover from hell though, if I do so.
Last updated April 15, 2016
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