Naps are wonderful.... in Plan B

  • Feb. 8, 2016, 9:46 p.m.
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Between work and the weather today ( it is 62 degrees out…warmer than it was at 3 this afternoon and windy as hell ) was just so tiring…so when I came home from doing my last client ( I almost fell asleep at work no kidding ) I took the baby for a walk and got a shower and crashed. I had no choice. It felt good and I needed it bad. I did a few things and now not long out of bed.
My face book messed up. It completely deleted my friends. Not that it is a huge thing * I only have like 41 but still I have family and what not. No biggy. That is the least of my worries.
Huge wind out there. Wind always brings change and this is not what I am into. We have whales in an inlet here. She has a calf with her so it is kind of hard to move her in the direction of the gulf. May her travels be safe.
Even tho I did nap out I’m still not long out of bed. Take sleep while you can.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm February 08, 2016

maybe momma whale was tired and needed a quiet place to rest. wish I could fall back to sleep. got 6 hours and impossible to go back to sleep right now. yeah wind brings change. Brought snow, cold, and slick roads yesterday. take care,

Ferret Mom February 13, 2016

So weird about Facebook deleting your friends.

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