I'm not sure what to do in A day in the life...

  • Jan. 5, 2016, 1:35 p.m.
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Anyone who knows me knows I suffer from sometimes debilitating depression and anxiety as well as PTSD. I also have some physical complications due to my diabetes. I applied for social security disability last March and was denied, which is pretty normal from what I understand…that you almost always get denied the first time. I have an attorney and the appeal was filed last July. From there it can take a year or more (sometimes less, but rarely) to get a hearing date. The good news is that if you’re approved on appeal then you get retroactive pay from when you first applied, which can be a pretty good chunk of change. But right now the bad news is that we are struggling financially…big time.

I found out I can work part time as long as I don’t make more than $700 per month, so I’m trying to find a part-time job. I got a lead on one today from a girl I go to church with and I submitted my resume. I’ve also got a couple of other places in mind that I’m going to submit my resume to. I’m praying one of them will work out.

But I’m so panicked about our financial situation that I’m considering trying to go back to work full time and just giving up on the social security. The big problem with that is that I have therapy, psychiatric and doctor appointments on a weekly basis. The therapy appointment isn’t a “must do” thing, but if I stop going before I’ve completely dealt with the issues from my past that have caused the PTSD then I’m afraid I’ll eventually lose it again sometime in the future and end up back in the hospital. Twice is enough, thank you very much. And the psychiatry and doctor appointments are “must do” appointments. No psychiatrist appointments = no meds. Same with the doctor who treats my diabetes. You can’t get the meds you need if you don’t see your doctor.

But I am a believer in Christ, and I know that this is all in His hands, and He has the best plans for me. I just have to keep walking in faith and never forget that.

Okay, I feel better now. Sometimes coming here and just getting it all out helps tremendously. However, any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated!

Have a great night everyone!


Deleted user January 05, 2016

I will be praying for you! I gotcha covered! ;)

submissive_angel Deleted user ⋅ January 05, 2016

Thank you so much! :-)

nothispenelope January 05, 2016

i have PTSD [have no idea why exactly you have it nor am i asking that's your business but w/e it was that happened i am so.sorry], anxiety & depression. i'm on SSI. my mom was the one who got me on it. untill recently i thought i was on it for reasons er like mental disorders i mean. i thought my mental disorders were the reasons i'm on it.

submissive_angel nothispenelope ⋅ January 05, 2016

I didn't even know I had PTSD until my new therapist told me I did. I thought a PTSD diagnosis was only for people who went to war but I guess I was wrong.

Indigo January 06, 2016

One of my brothers and I are both on disability. My younger brother is trying to but it seems to be more difficult to get on it now... and he has all the documentation as well. Its frustrating and seems like it is their way of weeding out people that are just trying to get on it by denying people 1, 2, or 3 times first. Don't stop trying.

I also have PTSD... one of the best things my first Psychology professors said was how PTSD is a normal reaction to abnormal events... that was almost 10 years ago and I know it has taken some of the stigma and myths regarding PTSD away, at least for her students. Other people have said similar things as well.

here is no why January 06, 2016

I've been on the SSDI merry go round, so I sympathize with your situation. Best of luck and prayers for you.

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