Facebook Syria Entry Part 2 in Life In The Now.

Revised: 01/03/2016 5:06 a.m.

  • Dec. 5, 2015, midnight
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  • Public

Hello, friend.

I am a ‘terrorist sympathiser’ and proud.

We’ve all seen those people who have been ill for so long that they just feel relieved to know what it is that is actually wrong with them.

When the doctors finally get it right and the diagnosis holds true, it is pure joy…
I’m glad that the ‘leader’ of the United Kingdom David Cameron has come out with a mass diagnosis that those not feeling the overwhelming urge to bomb Syria and pop them like Christmas Crackers over dinner are ‘terrorist sympathisers’.

So on December 25th 2015, this will be the sounds you and your family make right David?

Whilst, wining and dining, you’ll be sending Xmas cheer and love to the people of Syria won’t you David?

You won’t discriminate whether or not it is a child or an adult who looks up at the night sky will you Mr. Cameron?

I was curious whether or not you will you be attaching reindeer figments to the back of your jets so the kids can at least smile some before the ‘family present’ lands at their feet?

This is the sound they will hear right, when you wish them a Merry Christmas right? HoHoHo!

I assume that whilst trying to cover the second sound, there will be laughter, joy and a good old time had by everyone who voted for the strike, especially whilst you serve crispy Syrians in blankets throughout the night, you are amassing quite the stock now I imagine and all freshly incinerated, right?

We’ll be forgetting that cease fire we once had with our German neighbours over an xmas period of course, especially now that they’re cuddling up with us and doing their historic raison d’être of killing people slightly more or less tanned than themselves.

Germany you’re nothing if not ‘bloody’ consistent I’ll give you that, in all your history, your oppression of others, the oppression of your own people and everything you did, you’ve learned nothing. You should honestly know better and be calling all of us on our crap, not joining us.

You know what Germany, just for reference and a point…blowing up people with less military capability than yourself, killing people who are defenceless, it doesn’t make you or us the cool kids, it makes us the bullies and the bullies don’t win, you disappoint me Germany, you’re meant to know better with everything you’ve been through. You’re meant to be better.

There is just no way that the path we’re currently on doesn’t come back to haunt us, does it? We are going to have more tragedies within our cities, more of our friends and families will be the targets of revenge for something we never agreed to or wanted, however; all of the people who voted to do this will be protected, their families will remain untouched and perfectly fine with their private security, the rest of us will be the ones to pay the price.

Just so we’re clear I believe that every organisation that commits terrorist acts within cities, any city, should be wiped from the Earth, those responsible should be dealt with as per that countries laws.

My argument here is that those who are innocent, like you and I in the ‘other country’ reading this should not be killed as ‘collateral damage’ or within any ‘acceptable casualty risk’ because; you cannot simply mathematically equate a person’s life, there are to many variables.

I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the ‘enticing’ nature of war because we’ve all lost someone we care about, we all know what loss feels like, the emptiness, the hurt and the void it leaves, that’s the simplistic version of it.

I had this discussion with my aunt, quite literally not some hours ago and you know what, we understand the desire, lust and compelling resolve to avenge the right of loss.

When my mum passed, it was the most painful experience of our lives. We were left with emotions beyond description and a life lost like something George R.R Martin would write, it hurt that much and still does whenever we recall it.

So you know what, over the last couple of years I have tried to become a better person, a kinder, nicer, gentler and more understanding person. In some ways I achieved what I wanted to, but I have friends and family around me who’ve been able to encourage and spur this within me, after my loss. I had support.

…I didn’t have my home destroyed, my friends, family or neighbours killed…I was lucky and can’t say how I’d react given some people’s circumstances, everything you know and love - all gone or a more realistic term ‘taken’ in an instant because someone laughing, joking and popping Christmas Crackers with his family said “Ok.”

The UK needs Jeremy Corbyn, because it’s not the brave who say go to war, that’s the default.

The UK needs Jeremy Corbyn because it’s time to tell our American wife, it’s time to calm down

Sleep well all,

Last updated January 03, 2016

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