Beautiful Grey Day in Plan B

  • Nov. 21, 2015, 9:52 a.m.
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I need this day to be this way so things stay quiet and down. Yes, I still have unpacking to do but still haven’t woken up. I took the baby for a walk and fed him. Along with sweet pototoes he now gets chick peas in the a.m. Add some lil special treats.
Yesturday was mayhem but good. The other CNA was at the other end of the hall and that was good. She has alot of negetive nrg and just as soon have her there and me where I am at. I tried as hard as I could and still didn’t get everything done. I don’t even attempt to chart. Fuck that.
The new CNA who works nights hates her job. She seems so sad. I feel for her. You run your ass off. Then the fat ass who can’t run her ass off bitched at me saying …“If there are 2 CNA’s thru the day why isn’t stuff getting done”...........really?????? I tried to explain in a nice way just a smidgen of what the day shift goes thru. 3 blood sugar tests, 3 sets of vitals, 3 meals, new admins, patients getting changed from room to room, patients being transfered to our floor ( neuro ) patients trying to escape, going from being ok to being tested positive for c - diff, tb, scabies or whatever else you might have. Putting up with a UTI and there bat shit crazy. O! Then the families. Trying to calm them down. Patients who speak no english whatsoever. Arabic, Indian, Spanish, Vietnamese and must “honor” their traditions. Using the bathroom hose in the bathroom thinking it was for a biday and here it was to clean the bathroom. Ya water everywhere. 8 blankets later cleaned up. Those bitches are heavy when there wet. Changing all bedding, cleaning up shit and piss, vomit, holding hands and stroking backs, seizures, cancer, pulling out feeding tubes, checking tellies to make sure there working, helping someone who weighs 350 to the bathroom and she is scared to get up. The the constant call light button....there are ya satisfied. If you ran a lil more you might loose some of that weight there sista. I just left after that lil diddy.
Got a nice gift card from a nurse for Thanksgiving. How sweet. I am dead today. Still sitting in a room of boxes which will get done I just didn’t expect to be this exhausted for this long. I take 400 mg’s a day for my back for work and sleep on a heating pad. I think I need more help med wise but I don’t really want to. I hate being jacked up on anything. Yoga only does so much.
I have running around to do today going to make it quick and simple and call it a party. I feel a nap coming on and it’s only 11 in the a.m. O well. Last night I was in bed for 10. Wonder if I ever will get use to this?

Ferret Mom November 22, 2015

I couldn't handle it. I've always had mad respect for those who do.

Lola Falana Ferret Mom ⋅ November 22, 2015

Thank you. I appreciate your kindness. I'm really not nuts just a lil crazy is all....

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