tues. evan kiss tunnel us. stuff. in The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.

  • Nov. 9, 2015, 3:08 a.m.
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yeah so like i said tues. was good.

like i said we met at whole foods. also like i said after we met at whole foods we went to my park. and sat on a bench. and so after awhile he’s like ‘do you want to go the tunnel?’ and i’m like ‘ok’. so we go in and cuddle. after awhile he’s ‘you should look at me’ and i do and he kisses me. this time. and awhile later i stand up for some reason oh cause i wanted to go to the mall that’s right. and so. we’re across from each other standing and he comes and kisses me. and he puts his hands on my hips. i’d texted him awhile back and told him i wanted him to do that.

so then we went to the mall.

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