13 Hour in Plan B

  • Nov. 5, 2015, 9:04 p.m.
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It was a 13 hour day....exhausting. I feel better about the job it’s just overwhelming sometimes. We could use 3 CNA’s on the floor at all times. One just to do the call lights and the other two just to do vitals, baths, get rooms ready for transfers just kind of spread the joy around a little. Everything is fast-fast and it can’t be when you just had a stroke and your right side or left side is paralyzed and your are talking sssslow. It just aint gonna happen. Someone needs help to the bathroom and there going ssssssllloww. In the mean time your phone is going off and calling about the telly’s. Telemonitors for your heart. No one tells these peeps hey your goin down for a test or whatever. So they call and call and call. Then you have all kinds of other goodies. Today a girl with aids and a cold and mentally challanged. Ya good times. One hand in a mit so she dosn’t pull out her IV. Constantly talking and making noises. It is just too much sometimes.
Then your doing blood sugars and here it needs to be calabrated. Ugh. Call nurses if it’s too high. Call nurses if viatals are too off. O! The 02 isn’t working so I can’t measure it. Then there is the pregger nurse and she is a bitch. She is due in 15 minutes seriously like 4 days or something. Still walking still looking beautiful. Hopefully her va-jay-jay cracks open and she gives birth to an alien all wild and slimy…lol. There a go....
Now tomorrow I go back. One giant circus. I hope it goes smoother. I do have good intentions. The road to hell was paved on good intentions. I do love my job. I really do. It isn’t like I’m not getting “it” ~ It is just over whelming. You may get 2 minutes of peace and that dosn’t include going to the bathroom. I will make it. Everything will be ok

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